



Clear understanding and about 5 years experience in Object Oriented Programming & Design (OOPS) Concepts. 5 Years strong knowledge in Design & Developing application under Linux(Unix) system; Experience in driver developing system under Linux. Experience in various fields and platform includes System analysis, design, application (Inter/Intranet) development and testing. 3 Years of experience in Design and Development of n-tier Internet, Intranet and Client-Server application. Experienced in Design & Developing application using Win Forms, Web Forms Experienced in developing and building about 3+ years experience in Server-side web application development using PHP/Perl. Strong experienced in W3C (wsdl ,soap,xml,xpath,xslt,dom, and so on ) Expertise in Data Access methodologies of DAO, ADO, ODBC. Experienced in Administering Linux(Unix) system. Experienced in developing application witch use HDI (usb,and so on) Expertise in communication data systems SDH,PDH hierarchical. Expertise and experience in J2SE using Java, Java Swing, AWT,JDBC. Good Knowledge in pattern matching algorithms. Expertise in protected/attacked network (modifies kernel of viruses). Strong experienced in developing under embedded systems. Experienced in Linux kernel developing. Experienced in developing modules from cms. Experienced with unit testing


> Experience in various fields and platform includes System analysis, design,

So you're analytic?

> application (Inter/Intranet) development and testing.

Or developer or even tester?

>Experienced in Design & Developing application using Win Forms, Web Forms Experienced in developing and building about 3+ years experience in Server-side web application development using PHP/Perl

Wow, server-side php application? You're joking :)

>. Strong experienced in W3C (wsdl ,soap,xml,xpath,xslt,dom, and so on )

Do you know something more than what all those words mean?

>Experienced in Administering Linux(Unix) system.

Really? Even know ? ;)

>Expertise and experience in J2SE using Java, Java Swing, AWT,JDBC.

So expertise or just experience?

> Good Knowledge in pattern matching algorithms.

Maybe patterns? I may be wrong by you wrote this right after words about java ;)

> Expertise in protected/attacked network (modifies kernel of viruses).

Expertise? Ha-ha maybe this just means "expertise in fast call for cisco admin and ask him to stop ddos" ;)

>Experienced in Linux kernel developing. Experienced in developing modules from cms.

If you can type "Experienced in developing modules from cms." right after "Experienced in Linux kernel developing." you're not specialist in any of this areas.You just an idiot.

Ответ на: комментарий от Pi

>не много не так... в инглише оно жёстче: analyst

I was wrong there - his skills much more applicable for system architect job,not analyst.


Strong laughter from under a table! :))))

Vanilin ★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от signal

да типа я хотел спросить че бы мы могли предпринять после такой объявы? я гдето эту мегамодальную фразку с shall видел в Миллере...

vilfred ☆☆
Ответ на: комментарий от vilfred

А чего тут предпринимать-то? Посмеяться только.

Бедный анонимус наверное так надеялся что ему щас побегут отвечать из HR-агенств и предлагать работу в Нью-Йорке и кучу тонн денег в год из-за его мега-крутого cv, а тут такой облом - злые дядьки глумятся над ним да еще по английски..


афигенный экспириенс с xml в чем заключается? а с xpath'ом? уж лучше б написал что на бэйсике прогать можеш или в кунтер-страйк играить - и то солиднее было бы


Based on the strong credentials you have presented, we would like to schedule an in-house interview with you for the position of a senior developer at Rajagopalan, Nainanajad & Co. Our office is located in the gorgeous city of Patna at the heart of Bihar. We at Rajagopalan, Nainanajad & Co. are committed to hiring highly motivated specialists and providing them with the necessary means for professional success. Our generous benefits include but are not limited to a 12-hour work day with a flexible schedule, a personal rickshaw driver, a comprehensive medical insurance covering explosive diarrhea, and a starting salary of twice the state average.


Department of Strategic Growth

Rajagopalan, Nainanajad & Co.

grob ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от Skala

>Хотелось бы в общих чертах понять о чем говорит иностранец.

Говорит что космонавт и готовили его инопланетяне для межзвездных перелетов.Просит подбросить его до Альфы-Центавра.

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