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If you're a regular visitor, you will have noticed that I have been struggling with Emacs Wiki since December 18, 2014. You can read more about it on my blog. I'm sorry about the outage. If you think you can help, let me know!
Things I think might help:
If you know Perl, mod_perl, and ModPerl::Registry to run CGI scripts unchanged, you could spot issues I've missed or tell me about issues I should investigate.
If you have a server that can handle more load than the VM I'm willing to pay for, you could host the wiki. The current server is an OpenVZ setup with «4GB RAM and 2 vCores (shared Dual Intel Xeon)». At the moment munin is showing the server using less than 2GB and monit is saying that memory use is 17.1% [718772 kB].
Perhaps you have an even better idea? Get in touch. If you think that moving to nginx is the solution, I'd be very surprised. By now I'm rather desperate, however, so if you feel like you can provide the technical expertise, I'm interested. The problem is that all my knowhow for redirections and URL rewriting and all that is for Apache only.
– Alex Schroeder
Похоже, мы можем его потерять.