
[Донской ультра крепкий] В Catalyst 10.2 будет DIrect2D



While it will not be officially announced with Catalyst 10.2, the Catalyst Linux driver has received a new 2D acceleration architecture. However, as this was made public via an independent post in our forums, we can confirm that AMD has developed a new 2D acceleration method. Tests though we conducted internally using early builds of this new 2D acceleration method proved to be rather problematic. Once this 2D support is improved upon it will likely be switched on by default and then officially announced.

The method of enabling the premature 2D acceleration support involves setting a Direct2DAccel key within the DDX portion of the persistent configuration store database. Yes, Direct2D. A term we haven't mentioned before Phoronix. Direct2D is Microsoft's API for 2D and vector graphics that is used in Windows Vista/7. AMD hasn't communicated much about this new acceleration API, but it appears that much of the 2D acceleration code that they used from their Direct2D support on Windows is now being shared with the Linux driver.

While it may seem odd, this will hopefully mean better optimized 2D performance on Linux if they are indeed using much of their Windows 2D acceleration code on Linux that receives much love from their development teams.


Не читал, ати — говно.


Хитрый план: задействовать готовый проприетарный 2D-код для поставленных 2D-задач. Индусы ушли в отпуск?

shahid ★★★★★

DirectDraw strikes back?

mv ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от abraziv_whiskey

1. При чем здесь Линукс? 2. Direct2D - это замена DirectDraw, и придумало это всё Microsoft. 3. Автор выпей яду, ты дятел!


Вышел каталист 10.2 и там кажется снова нет поддержки X11R7.5

MikeB ★★★★

Если сообщество не с состоянии придумать нормальное API для 2D, значит его нужно пропихнуть

frame ★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от pevzi

> SDL, ОпенГЛ, не?

Оба не совсем для 2д. Да и это высокоуровневые апи, а на низком уровне в линупсе полный швах.

PolarFox ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от pevzi




обёртка над Xlib/DDraw так что тоже не к месту

frame ★★★
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