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Product Details
Author(s): Daniel Molkentin
ISBN: 1593271476
ISBN-13: 9781593271473
Publisher: No Starch Press
Year: 2007
Pages: 440
Product Description
Cross-platform development is a kind of holy grail, and Trolltech's Qt toolkit may well be the most promising
solution yet to this development challenge. Qt is widely used for the development of GUI applications
as well as console tools and servers, and it's especially appealing to programmers who need to write cross-platform
applications to run on Linux/Unix, Mac, and Windows machines without having to rewrite for each platform.
The Book of Qt 4 offers an in-depth explanation of Qt 4 that goes beyond the common focus on C++ programming.
Author Daniel Molkentin uses practical examples to explain features like the signal/slot concept and
the event system, as he guides you through developing applications with and without Qt's graphical GUI
builder, Qt Designer. And as a core KDE developer, Molkentin's head is full of real-world problems and
solutions that he peppers liberally throughout The Book of Qt 4, making it a resource that you'll consult
time and again. You'll find coverage of:
Tools for creating dialogs
GUI design with the Qt Designer
Widget layout and dialog construction
Data visualization using Qt's model/view concept
The QtSql
module and the graphics library Arthur
File handling, XML, processes, and network connections
and threading
Event handling and using drag and drop
Internationalization and debugging As well as
lots of useful hints on how to use Qt's datatypes, containers, and algorithms and how to develop user-friendly
applications. Whether you're already a Qt developer or you're just considering Qt for cross-platform
development, you'll find The Book of Qt 4 to be indispensable
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