




With catering to Ubuntu Linux users as their first priority, Valve released the Linux beta as just a Debian package. Other Linux distribution packagers meanwhile want Steam on their own Linux distribution and to make it easy for their Linux gamers, so some have begun creating their own Steam binary packages. One of the first Linux distributions doing this was Arch Linux where they re-packaged Steam for Linux for their system. However, concerns have arose whether this is permitted or not.

Ответ на: комментарий от Lamppost

ИМХО разрешат включать в любые дистры на таких же условиях как сейчас блобы например. Так что думаю все будет хорошо

druganddrop-2 ★★
() автор топика

Кто-то залил на арчепомойку деб-пакет стима, а пхороникс написали про это целую новость?

Gary ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от Gary

Кто-то залил на арчепомойку деб-пакет стима

Его уже в [comunity] запилили. Правда, похоже, успели выкинуть обратно, но это может быть связано с сабжевым освещением вопроса.

Axon ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от O02eg

И даже после ковыряний:

 * 	/usr/share/applications/steam.desktop: error: action group "Desktop Action Community" exists, but there is no matching action "Community"
 * 	/usr/share/applications/steam.desktop: error: action group "Desktop Action Friends" exists, but there is no matching action "Friends"
 * 	/usr/share/applications/steam.desktop: error: action group "Desktop Action Library" exists, but there is no matching action "Library"
 * 	/usr/share/applications/steam.desktop: error: action group "Desktop Action News" exists, but there is no matching action "News"
 * 	/usr/share/applications/steam.desktop: error: action group "Desktop Action Screenshots" exists, but there is no matching action "Screenshots"
 * 	/usr/share/applications/steam.desktop: error: action group "Desktop Action Servers" exists, but there is no matching action "Servers"
 * 	/usr/share/applications/steam.desktop: error: action group "Desktop Action Settings" exists, but there is no matching action "Settings"
 * 	/usr/share/applications/steam.desktop: error: action group "Desktop Action Store" exists, but there is no matching action "Store"
 * 	/usr/share/applications/steam.desktop: error: value "Store;Community;Library;Servers;Screenshots;News;Settings;Friends" for string list key "Actions" in group "Desktop Entry" does not have a semicolon (';') as trailing character
 * 	/usr/share/applications/steam.desktop: error: value "x-scheme-handler/steam" for string list key "MimeType" in group "Desktop Entry" does not have a semicolon (';') as trailing character
O02eg ★★★★★
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