Number 10: You start talking about 'killing' programs instead of forcing them to quit
Number 9: You keep reminding yourself that you don't have to save your work every five minutes
Number 8: You start substituting C for K in your normal writing (Did you know that Pizarro konquered the Inkas?)
Number 7: You talk your grandmother into open-sourcing her secret cookie recipe
Number 6: People give you strange looks when you brag about your uptime
Number 5: You cause Bill Gates' fortune to decrease by 0.0000001 percent
Number 4: The only viruses that bother you are the ones that cause the flu
Number 3: The blue screen of death only appears to you in nightmares
Number 2: You actually get some serious work done
And the number 1 side effect of switching to Linux is:
Your problems meeting members of the opposite sex disappear

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от shell-script

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