Помним, любим, скорбим.

P.S. - Кстати, что из известного он написал? а то впервые слышу

Orlangoor ★★★★★

Молодой, однако.

Xellos ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от Orlangoor

Самое известное, это наверное Drenai::Legend да и вообще серия Drenai

Drenai Series
Legend (1984) (Originally published in the USA as Against the Horde, re-released as Legend)
The King Beyond the Gate (1985)
Waylander (1986)
Quest for Lost Heroes (1990)
Waylander II: In the Realm of the Wolf (1992)
The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend (1993)
The Legend of Deathwalker (1996)
Winter Warriors (1996)
Hero in the Shadows (2000)
White Wolf (2003)
The Swords of Night and Day (2004)

Rigante Series
Sword in the Storm (1999)
Midnight Falcon (2000)
Ravenheart (2001)
Stormrider (2002)

Sipstrassi Series
Wolf in Shadow (1987) (Published as The Jerusalem Man in the USA)
The Ghost King (1988)
Last Sword of Power (1988)
The Last Guardian (1989)
Bloodstone (1994)

Hawk Queen Series
Ironhand's Daughter (1995)
The Hawk Eternal (1995)

Individual Fantasy Titles
Knights of Dark Renown (1989)
Morningstar (1992)
Dark Moon (1997)
Echoes of the Great Song (2002)

vahvarh ★★★
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Anoxemian ★★★★★
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