
nheko — всё.

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Здесь локальная драма случилась, с упоминанием прошлой драмы.


В общем, автор nheko, единственного сейчас кроссплатформенного клиента Matrix с шифрованием, свернул разработку:

mujx: I've lost interested in matrix & decided to not maintain it any further
mujx: it wasn't sudden really, I've been thinking about it for the last few months
mujx: matrix as is, is broken; you can find a few examples around rooms
mujx: check #dendrite-dev how you could circumvent bans for example
mujx: also poor community engangement, especially in the server side of things where it matters most and the fact that matrix is led by a for profit company with a clear conflict of interest, made me think that there is no future in it

Можно заметить упоминание, что протокол «танцует» профитная компания, коей является недавно испечённая «New Vector». По этой причине некто Max Dor героически сделал хардфорк спецификации в одно лицо, придумав нескучное название «The Grid» с нескучным логотипом, и предложил перевести разработку в нонпрофитную организацию, названную в честь него самого — «Kamax»:

mujx: maybe if the-grid becomes something I'll continue
cos: what is the grid?
Maximus: cos: - A hard fork of the Matrix protocol that will focus on actually creating and maintaining a protocol specification backed by a non-profit
cos: Can`t find any info on grid on google. why was it forked and whats wrong with matrix? i find it already superior to irc.
Maximus: cos:
aaron: Isn’t the matrix foundation a non-profit?
Maximus: there is no such thing as a Matrix foundation. and any related resources are backed by New Vector ltd, a UK for-profit
Maximus: Riot, synapse, Scalar and the likes are also backed by New Vector (NV for short)

В конце концов, пришёл Matthew, глава всея Matrix, прочитал всё это и бомбанул в TWIM:

Matthew: as i said in #nheko, i take it as a personal challenge to demonstrate to mujx that his concerns are illfounded
Matthew: (and perhaps are more reflect general fear, uncertainty & doubt being pushed by a few loudmouthed disgruntled members of the community rather than a balanced viewpoint.)
Matthew: in terms of the complaints: yes; there are still s2s API bugs out there which can allow things like ban circumvention; yes; we're working on them (of course) - it's what's blocking a stable release of the s2s API; no, i don't think we have poor community engagement, except for interactions with a handful of bad actors who have their own agenda.
Matthew: and the conflict of interest thing is absolute bullshit. we are trying to build matrix for the whole community, even if most of the core team work at the same company atm. matrix is only useful as a global network and ecosystem, and the priority is to support it for everyone
Matthew: hence doing things like TWIM, and hiring folks like ben to work to support the whole community
Matthew: and paying for frankly every person to work on rather than any commercial stuff (with the exception of rick on modular, and a handful of consulting work, almost all of which gets released as FOSS for the benefit of the wider community anyway).
Matthew: honestly, speaking frankly, there is an alternative narrative here: that a few disgruntled folk (not mujx) have perhaps understandably developed a grudge against the matrix core team because their suggestions/contributions have been rejected, or because the spec isn't evolving as fast as they'd like, or because their agendas aren't being prioritised, or because they don't feel they have enough authority over the spec as they'd like, or because they've been banned due to abusive behaviour. And so they push the «conflict of interest» story, claiming that the team who created matrix is clearly incapable of developing matrix, just because we set up a consulting business to fund our work on it.
Matthew: It's true that there is potential for conflict of interest here, and we could all go evil and do a Microsoft and try to evolve matrix to somehow privilege New Vector or disadvantage other people in the community, but WE ARE NOT. it would be *!@£ing STUPID to sabotage Matrix like that, and the only reason I at least am trying to build Matrix is to build a global open ecosystem that everyone can benefit from, like the Web. There is WAY more potential in building exciting useful things on top of an open ecosystem like the Web or the Internet than some shitty closed fiefdom, and if I ever see New Vector prioritising itself over Matrix I will happily resign from it and work exclusively on the upcoming Foundation. I don't know how I can put that more clearly.

Такие дела. Пятница-понятница идёт просто замечательно.


Последнее исправление: commagray (всего исправлений: 1)

Ответ на: комментарий от t184256

Уверяет он меня. Да, у JSON и, хз, MessagePack фичи одинакова. Но вот где у JSON схемы? XPath? XLink? XML - не просто формат сериализации.

Это всё прекрасно, вот только зачем всё это счастье нужно формату сериализации чатика?


ЛОР во всей красе: более 100 комментариев в теме о клиенте к протоколу, пользователей которого днём с огнём не найдешь. С другой стороны в том, чтобы завести аккаунт в никому ненужной из знакомых болталке и сидеть там одному,что-то есть.

grem ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от Deleted

В оригинальном HTTP (pre 1.0) методов не было.

t184256 ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от grem

в контактах

А у нас ростера как сущности нет, поэтому контактов тоже нет, кек. Но каким-то образом пересадил штук десять людей на Riot, если прямо отвечать на вопрос.

Вопрос сколько в нашей сети людей немного не имеет смысла, так как у нас есть развитые мосты в другие сети. Я использую Matrix как клей между Discord, Telegram и IRC (одновременно) — полёт нормальный. Личные диалоги также работают через них.

commagray ★★★★★
() автор топика
Последнее исправление: commagray (всего исправлений: 1)
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