сборка deb



как собрать deb если в пакете с сорцами вместо makefile для make используется чтото вроде Setup.hs для runghc?


Ответ на: комментарий от mv

а что там должно быть, если программа ставится так:
runghc Setup.hs configure
runghc Setup.hs build
sudo runghc Setup.hs install


Ответ на: комментарий от VinilNavigator

пдозрительная вещь этот checkinstall. что что ег нет в репозитории это еще ничего, н к нему нет даже мана

Ответ на: комментарий от anonymous

CheckInstall(1)                                                CheckInstall(1)

       checkinstall  —       Track installation of local software, and produce
       a binary manageable with your package management software.

       checkinstall [options]  [install command]

       checkinstall is a program that monitors an installation procedure (such
       as  make install, ), and creates a standard package for your
       distribution (currently deb, rpm and tgz packages are  supported)  that
       you  can  install through your distribution’s package management system
       (dpkg, rpm or installpkg).

       These programs follow the usual GNU  command  line  syntax,  with  long
       options  starting  with  two  dashes  (’-’).   A  summary of options is
       included below.

       All the options that toggle a switch default to  activate  the  option.
       To force activation or deactivation, call them with ’=yes’ or ’=no’. As
       an example, to disable stripping use --strip=no.

       -h           --help
                 Show summary of options.

       --version Show version information.

                 Show Copyright information

       --type    Choose packaging system. Can be one of ’slackware’,  ’debian’
                 or ’rpm’.

       -D        Create a Debian package.

       -R        Create a RPM package.

       -S        Create a Slackware Package.

       --install Toggle installation of the created package.

       --fstrans Enable/disable filesystem translation. Filesystem translation
                 enabled causes the install to proceed in a  temporary  direc‐
                 tory, thus not actually touching your system.

       -y   --default
                 Accept default answers to all questions.

       --pkgname Set the package name.

                 Set package version.

       -A   --arch    --pkgarch
                 Set package architecture.

                 Set the package release.

                 Set package license.

                 Set the package group.

                 Set source location

                 Set alternate source location

       --pakdir  Where to save the new package.

                 Set   the   package   maintainer.  Be  careful  to  correctly
                 quote/escape the name, to prevent shell expansion

                 Features provided by this package (currently only on RPM).

                 Dependencies required by this package.

                 Pass this flags to the rpm installer.

       --rpmi    Use the -i flag when installing a rpm.

       --rpmu    Use the -U flag when installing a rpm.

                 Pass this flags to the dpkg installer

       --spec    Where the .spec file is located

       --nodoc   Do not include documentation files.

       -d        Set debug level. Must be one of 0, 1 and 2.

       -si       Run an interactive install command

                 Toggle interactive install command.

       -ss       Run an interactive Slackware installation script.

                 Toggle interactive Slackware installation script.

                 Toggle creation of a script.

       --strip   Toggle stripping any ELF binaries found inside the package.

       --stripso Toggle stripping any ELF libraries  (.so)  found  inside  the

       --addso   Search for any shared libs and add them to /etc/

                 Reset perms for all files/dirs to 755 and the owner/group for
                 all dirs to root.root

       --gzman   Compress any man pages found inside the package.

       --docdir  Where to put documentation files.

       --umask   Set the umask value.

       --exclude Exclude these files/directories from the package.

       --include Force the inclusion in the package of the  files/dirs  listed
                 in the argument (a file).

       --inspect Inspect the package’s file list

                 Review the spec file before creating a .rpm.

                 Review the control file before creating a .deb.

                 Use the new (8.1+) Slackware description format ("--newslack"
                 implies "-S")

                 Manually set the path to the tar binary.

       --deldoc  Toggle deletion of doc-pak upon termination.

       --deldesc Toggle deletion of description-pak upon termination.

       --delspec Toggle deletion of spec file upon termination.

       --bk      Backup any overwritten files

       --backup  Toggle backup

       This program reads its configuration  from  /etc/checkinstallrc,  which
       can be used to override defaults.  Command line arguments override set‐
       tings in the configuration file.

       This manual page was written by Felipe Sateler <> for
       the  Debian  system (but may be used by others).  Permission is granted
       to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of  the
       GNU General Public License, Version 2.

       On  Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
       can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL.


alex_custov ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от anonymous

4.2. Он есть в репах, и к нему есть ман. У тебя неправильный дистрибутив.

debian etch

$ man checkinstall
Нет записи руководства для checkinstall

Ответ на: комментарий от kondor

забавно, но checkinstall еще и не работает. 
sudo checkinstall -D --pkglicense=BSD3 --maintainer="" --requires=" ghc6" runghc Setup.hs install

Installing with runghc Setup.hs install...

========================= Installation results ===========================
Installing: /usr/lib/parsec-3.0.0/ghc-6.8.2
Registering parsec-3.0.0...

****  Installation failed. Aborting package creation.



Ответ на: комментарий от anonymous

> да, я про это. как из cabal тарбола сделать deb?

google не помогает ? первая ссылка по: cabal debian

[Haskell-cafe] PRE-ANNOUNCE: cabal-debian (automatically debianize cabal packages)

может быть что-то вычитаете полезное ?

Eshkin_kot ★★
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