[reason] почему rms ушёл из emacs-development



Q: Why now?

A: I find I am too busy with other work to give Emacs maintenance the attention it deserves. I've been considering handing the maintainership over to others for most of a year.

Q: Are you doing this reluctantly? Or eagerly?

A: I feel nostalgia, but not very strongly.

Q: Pardon my unfamiliarity with them, but who are Stefan and Yidong?

A: Stefan Monnier and Chong Yidong are two of the main Emacs developers of recent years.

Q: What do you see as the future of Emacs?

A: I would like to see it extended to operate as a word processor, editing formatted text.

Q: 32 years is a long time to devote to anything. Any parting thoughts?

A: I have not spent 32 years working on Emacs, and I'm not quite "parting."

Since I first wrote GNU Emacs in 1984, I have not been the maintainer all the time. In fact, three other people have been the maintainer of GNU Emacs at various times. Gerd Moellman was the Maintainer for about 4 years, until a while after the release of Emacs 21. During that time he implemented display of variable-width text. He decided to stop, so I took up the maintainership again.

; wingar


> A: I would like to see it extended to operate as a word processor, editing formatted text.

Как страшно жить.

Quasar ★★★★★

Я сначала подумал, что это он с емаксовым психотерапевтом разговаривает.

Legioner ★★★★★

>I find I am too busy with other work to give Emacs maintenance the attention it deserves

Нормальная причина.

Demon37 ★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от Sancho_s_rancho

> хватит всякую хрень в девелопмент постить

а ты предлогаешь это постить в быдлятник(aka talks), где обсуждают корованы, михаилов и летающих коров? ну да, самое место, иди попроси модераторов, чтобы перенесли и меня, вандала, зобанили по ip. бгыхыхы.

; ownwer

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