Сообщения scott


Joshua Bloch покинул Sun и присоединился к Google

Новости — Java
Группа Java

Joshua Bloch, author of Effective Java, JSR 175 spec lead, and much more, has decided to hang up his hat at Sun. Just after his promotion to Distinguished Engineer, he moves down the road in the Valley to join the small startup Google. He will still be involved in the Java community of course.

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J2SE 1.5.0 переименован в J2SE 5.0

Новости — Java
Группа Java

Sun has cut off the "1." to change J2SE 1.5.0 to J2SE 5.0. The reason for the change? Sun claims that "this is the most significant upgrade to the Java platform and programming language since its initial release nearly one decade ago", and that this version is worthy.

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