собственно сабж поискал в гугле, ничего особо не прегледялось ( пока что остановился на таком решении I have had the same problem but I found a workaround which is following. Note..it does not work in IE but works beautifully in Netscape and Firefox. May be you can tell me what is the problem with IE. 1 - from your ajax script put a id on your script like. <script id="scriptFromAjax"> 2 - On Success from ajax add the following line. var response = o.responseText; document.getElementById("ajaxresponseDiv").innerHTML = response; //this is where you get all your script contents. var scriptEle = document.getElementById('scriptFromAjax') if(scriptEle!=null){ LoadJS(scriptEle.innerHTML); } 3- Paste the following function in your receiving page. Put a div tag with id=dinamicJScontainer. function LoadJS(theScript) { var newElem = document.createElement("script"); var elemJS = document.getElementById("dinamicJScontainer"); newElem.setAttribute("language","JavaScript1.2"); newElem.setAttribute("type","text/javascript"); //IE is failing on following line. newElem.innerHTML = theScript; alert(newElem.innerHTML ); elemJS.appendChild(newElem); eliminar("dinamicJScontainer"); }; 4- Optional -- call the following function if you want to clear the contents of jJavascript. function eliminar(x){ while(document.getElementById(x).childNodes.length>0){ document.getElementById(x).removeChild(document.getElementById(x).childNodes [0]);} }; (http://forums.devx.com/showthread.php?t=163943) возможно тут что-нибудь посоветуют =) ps возможно есть какие-то встроенные ф-цию у jquery, prototyp'a ? thx

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