C:\Documents and Settings\foo>sudo aptitude install vrms
'sudo' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.


// wbr

klalafuda ★☆☆

у меня 0 было =) щас не скажу, ибо деба давно нет.

amoralyrr ★☆

andrey@valkyrie ~ $ su
valkyrie andrey # emerge -va vrms

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies |
emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "vrms".

valkyrie andrey #

generatorglukoff ★★
Ответ на: комментарий от klalafuda

Ой как толсто.... :-D

6 non-free packages, 0.2% of 2465 installed packages.

Самое странное, что оно ion3 и xsnow за проприетарщину считает о_О

ZZaiatSS ★★
Ответ на: комментарий от ZZaiatSS

>Самое странное, что оно ion3 и xsnow за проприетарщину считает о_О

ion3 у нас и есть проприетарщина, угу. См. лицензионные глюки товарисча автора йона.

//вернее, GPL-несовместимая там лицензия..

Ответ на: комментарий от ZZaiatSS

> Самое странное, что оно ion3 и xsnow за проприетарщину считает о_О

ну AFAIU в общем и целом в этом подходе есть своя логика:

первый - ни рыба ни мясо, второй - кастрированный LGPL.
впрочем, на качество продуктов это, как водится, не влияет.

// wbr

klalafuda ★☆☆


Никуда от вас, эсперантюг, не денешься, елки-палки!

А по теме:

> 23 non-free packages, 1.7% of 1378 installed packages.

Так что все вышеотпостившиеся просто дети.

Zenom ★★★

[phasma@notebook /usr/ports]$ make search name=vrms

phasma ★☆
Ответ на: комментарий от ZZaiatSS

> Ой как толсто.... :-D

вот как будет в RPMе тогда и попробуем :-P

// wbr

klalafuda ★☆☆

festlex-oald Festival lexicon from Oxford Advanced Learners' Dictio
madwifi-modules- modules for the Multiband Atheros Driver for WiFi (ker
madwifi-modules-2.6.26-1- modules for the Multiband Atheros Driver for WiFi (ker
madwifi-source source for the Multiband Atheros Driver for WiFi
unrar Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
Reason: Modifications problematic
xmame-common Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
xmame-x X binaries for the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
Reason: Distribution limitations, no commercial use

Contrib packages installed on pinnsvin

festvox-don minimal British English male speaker for festival
madwifi-tools tools for the Multiband Atheros Driver for WiFi

7 non-free packages, 0.8% of 921 installed packages.
2 contrib packages, 0.2% of 921 installed packages.

Ответ на: комментарий от Zenom

> А по теме:

> 23 non-free packages, 1.7% of 1378 installed packages.

> Так что все вышеотпостившиеся просто дети.

28 non-free packages, 1.0% of 2890 installed packages.

Вот так надо :-)


             Non-free packages installed on Enteropia

human-icon-theme          Human Icon theme
linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules helper script
p7zip-rar                 non-free rar module for p7zip
sun-java6-bin             Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture
sun-java6-jre             Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture
sun-java6-plugin          The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6
tango-icon-theme          Tango Icon theme
  Reason: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License

  Non-free packages with status other than installed on Enteropia

linux-restricted-modules- ( dei)  Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules on x86/x86_64

  8 non-free packages, 0.6% of 1406 installed packages.

+ одно пиратское приложение.


gdb-doc The GNU Debugger Documentation
human-icon-theme Human Icon theme
linux-generic Complete Generic Linux kernel
linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules on x86/x86_64
linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules on x86/x86_64
linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules helper script
linux-restricted-modules- Restricted Linux modules for generic kernels
make-doc Documentation for the GNU version of the "make" utilit
nvidia-glx-new NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver
rar Archiver for .rar files
sun-java6-bin Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture
sun-java6-jre Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture
sun-java6-plugin The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6
tangerine-icon-theme Tangerine Icon theme
unrar Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
Reason: Modifications problematic

15 non-free packages, 1.0% of 1495 installed packages.

Гм. а что с gdb-doc не так то =/

Ответ на: комментарий от anonymous

root@**********:~# vrms Non-free packages installed on **********

linux-server Complete Linux kernel on Server Equipment. sun-java6-bin Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture sun-java6-javadb Java(TM) DB, Sun Microsystems' distribution of Apache sun-java6-jdk Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 6 sun-java6-jre Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture unrar Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version) Reason: Modifications problematic

7 non-free packages, 1.6% of 449 installed packages.

сервантег =)

kam ★★

den@den:~$ vrms 
                Non-free packages installed on den

libmotif-dev              Open Motif - development files
libmotif3                 Open Motif - shared libraries
opera                     The Opera Web Browser
unrar                     Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
  Reason: Modifications problematic

                 Contrib packages installed on den

msttcorefonts             transitional dummy package
ttf-mscorefonts-installer Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts

     Contrib packages with status other than installed on den

netbeans-ide              ( dei)  IDE for Java Development and More, version 6 (

  4 non-free packages, 0.4% of 973 installed packages.
  3 contrib packages, 0.3% of 973 installed packages.


4 non-free packages, 0.2% of 2222 installed packages.
3 contrib packages, 0.1% of 2222 installed packages.

AiFiLTr0 ★★★★★

чуть-чуть подчистил

den@den:~$ vrms 
                Non-free packages installed on den

opera                     The Opera Web Browser
unrar                     Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
  Reason: Modifications problematic

  2 non-free packages, 0.2% of 967 installed packages.


Можно я тоже?

19 non-free packages, 0.9% of 2045 installed packages. 6 contrib packages, 0.3% of 2045 installed packages.


rc@zeta ~/ $ vrms 23:33
Non-free packages installed on zeta

firmware-iwlwifi Binary firmware for Intel Wireless 3945 and 4965
ion3 tiling tabbed window manager designed for keyboard use
nvidia-glx NVIDIA binary Xorg driver
Reason: Proprietary license
nvidia-glx-ia32 NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x driver
nvidia-kernel-2.6.26-1-am NVIDIA binary kernel module for Linux 2.6.26-1-amd64
tango-icon-theme Tango Icon theme
Reason: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License

Contrib packages installed on zeta

nvidia-kernel-common NVIDIA binary kernel module common files
nvidia-settings Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver

6 non-free packages, 0.6% of 1021 installed packages.
2 contrib packages, 0.2% of 1021 installed packages.

random_code ★★

моя: 12 non-free packages, 0.9% of 1387 installed packages. 1 contrib packages, 0.1% of 1387 installed packages.


sun-java6-bin - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture
sun-java6-fonts - Lucida TrueType fonts (from the Sun JRE)
sun-java6-jre - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture
sun-java6-plugin - The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6
ttf-kochi-mincho-naga10 - Kochi Subst Mincho Japanese TrueType font with naga10
ttf-mikachan - handwritten Japanese Truetype font
unace-nonfree - extract, test and view .ace archives (non-free version
unrar - Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
opera - ( dei)  The Opera Web Browser

9 non-free packages, 0.5% of 1847 installed packages.

nvidia-kernel-common - NVIDIA binary kernel module common files
nvidia-settings - Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver
ttf-mscorefonts-installer - Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts

3 contrib packages, 0.2% of 1847 installed packages.


У меня только unrar. Сейчас удалю.


C:\Program Files\dir /b
CE Remote Tools
Common Files
Download Master
HTML Help Workshop
Internet Explorer
Microsoft Device Emulator
microsoft frontpage
Microsoft Visual Studio 8
Microsoft Office
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition
Movie Maker
MSN Gaming Zone
Online Services
Outlook Express
Windows NT
Windows Media Player


17 см в длинну, 3.5 см в толшину

vilfred ☆☆

Non-free packages installed on sid-desktop

human-icon-theme Human Icon theme
lha lzh archiver
Reason: No modifications allowed, non-network distributions problematic
linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules helper script
mupen64 Simply the better native linux Nintendo 64 emulator !
opera The Opera Web Browser
skype Skype - Take a deep breath
spectrum-roms ZX Spectrum ROMs
sun-java6-bin Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture
sun-java6-jre Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture
sun-java6-plugin The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6
tangerine-icon-theme Tangerine Icon theme
tango-icon-theme Tango Icon theme
Reason: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License
unrar Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
Reason: Modifications problematic
xmess-common Support files for the Multi Emulator Super System
xmess-x X binaries for the Multi Emulator Super System
xsnow Brings Christmas to your desktop

Non-free packages with status other than installed on sid-desktop

linux-restricted-modules- ( dei) Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules on x86/x86_64
linux-restricted-modules- ( dei) Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules on x86/x86_64
linux-restricted-modules- ( dei) Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules on x86/x86_64
linux-restricted-modules- ( dei) Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules on x86/x86_64

20 non-free packages, 1.0% of 2037 installed packages.

sid350 ★★★★★

human-icon-theme          Human Icon theme
linux-generic             Complete Generic Linux kernel
linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules on x86/x86_64
linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules on x86/x86_64
linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules helper script
linux-restricted-modules- Restricted Linux modules for generic kernels
nvidia-glx-new            NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver
sun-java6-bin             Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture
sun-java6-jre             Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture
sun-java6-plugin          The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6
tangerine-icon-theme      Tangerine Icon theme
unrar                     Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)

  13 non-free packages, 0.8% of 1595 installed packages.


2 non-free packages, 0.3% of 676 installed packages.

maloi ★★★★★

[borlok@myhost ~]$ sudo pacman -S vrms

Password: vrms package not found, searching for group...

error: 'vrms': not found in sync db

Ответ на: комментарий от anonymous

чорд, придется удалить и поставить кошерный icq c флеш-баннерами :(

Ответ на: комментарий от pierre

>> А по теме:
>> 23 non-free packages, 1.7% of 1378 installed packages.

>> Так что все вышеотпостившиеся просто дети.

> 28 non-free packages, 1.0% of 2890 installed packages.

> Вот так надо :-)

70 non-free packages, 2.4% of 2933 installed packages.
13 contrib packages, 0.4% of 2933 installed packages.
все в сад! ☺

beastie ★★★★★

8 non-free packages, 0.5% of 1510 installed packages.
2 contrib packages, 0.1% of 1510 installed packages.


Non-free packages installed on splinder-laptop

crossover-pro Run Windows applications like MS Office in Linux
human-icon-theme Human Icon theme
linux-generic Complete Generic Linux kernel
linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules on x86/x86_64
linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules on x86/x86_64
linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules on x86/x86_64
linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules helper script
linux-restricted-modules- Restricted Linux modules for generic kernels
opera-static The Opera Web Browser
rar Archiver for .rar files
tangerine-icon-theme Tangerine Icon theme
warsow-data Game data for Warsow

12 non-free packages, 0.9% of 1335 installed packages.

/// =(

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