proftp slackware 10.0



возник вопрос как создать линкованные папки?
В руководстве написано
Symlinks will not work from within a chrooted area. The reason should be clear from a casual inspection of the nature of the chroot command. It is not possible to have a symbolic link to a directory which can"t be reached beacuse it's outside of the current chroot. Work arounds to allow access to other parts of the file system include exporting the part of the filesystem to be accessed from inside the chroot and mounting via NFS, using hard file links or (on Solaris) using lofs to mount the directory via the loopback.

mount -Flofs /home/data1 /ftp/data1
mount -Flofs /home/data2 /ftp/data2"

ядро собрано с поддержкой loopbacka
но при попытке такого монтирования вылетает что /home/data1 не является blockdevice


mount -o bind /home/data1 /ftp/data1

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