[R] теснение графиков




Как известно при опции mfrow=c(3,1) окно делится на 3 равные части и в каждом отрисовывается график.

Можно ли сделать так, чтобы первый график занимал первую половину окна, а два других делили вторую?


‘mfcol, mfrow’ A vector of the form ‘c(nr, nc)’. Subsequent
figures will be drawn in an ‘nr’-by-‘nc’ array on the device
by _columns_ (‘mfcol’), or _rows_ (‘mfrow’), respectively.

In a layout with exactly two rows and columns the base value
of ‘«cex»’ is reduced by a factor of 0.83: if there are three
or more of either rows or columns, the reduction factor is

Setting a layout resets the base value of ‘cex’ and that of
‘mex’ to ‘1’.

If either of these is queried it will give the current
layout, so querying cannot tell you the order the array will
be filled.

Consider the alternatives, ‘layout’ and ‘split.screen’.

‘layout’ divides the device up into as many rows and columns as
there are in matrix ‘mat’, with the column-widths and the
row-heights specified in the respective arguments.
widths: a vector of values for the widths of columns on the device.
Relative widths are specified with numeric values. Absolute
widths (in centimetres) are specified with the ‘lcm()’
function (see examples).

heights: a vector of values for the heights of rows on the device.
Relative and absolute heights can be specified, see ‘widths’

psv1967 ★★★★★
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