FVWM кодировка




В FVWM русские буквы в заголовках отображаются знаками вопроса.

#  ____________________________
# (   _________________________)
#  ) (__  _  _  _    _
# (   __)( \/ )( \/\/ )/\/\
#  ) (    \  /  \    //    \
# (___)    \/    \/\/(_/\/\_) 2.6
#  This is the default configuration file shipped with fvwm.
#  This config file is organized as follows:
#    1: Functions
#    2: Styles
#    3: Colorsets
#    4: Menus
#    5: Bindings
#    6: Decor
#    7: Modules

# InfoStoreAdd can be used to store variable data internal to fvwm.
# The variable can then be used in the configuration as $[].
# You can also use environment variables but for data internal to fvwm
# use InfoStore variables instead.
# The following is used in various menus and also sets the terminal
# that FvwmConsole uses. Change this to your terminal of choice
InfoStoreAdd terminal x-terminal-emulator

# 1: Functions
# Fvwm can use custom functions for various tasks.
# The syntax for defining a function named FunctionName is:
#   DestroyFunc FunctionName
#   AddToFunc FunctionName
#   + I [Action to do Immediately]
#   + C [Action to do on a Mouse Click]
#   + D [Action to do on a Mouse Double Click]
#   + H [Action to do on a Mouse Hold]
#   + M [Action to do on a Mouse Motion]

# Start Function
# The start function is run right after fvwm is done reading
# the config file. This function run after each restart
# so using Test (Init) or Test (Restart) can further control
# actions that are run during the first time run (Init) or
# actions that are run after a restart.
DestroyFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc   StartFunction
+ I Test (Init, f $[FVWM_USERDIR]/.BGdefault) \
    Exec exec fvwm-root $[FVWM_USERDIR]/.BGdefault
+ I TestRc (NoMatch) Exec exec fvwm-root $[FVWM_iUSERDIR]/images/background/hal9000.jpg
+ I Test (Init) Module FvwmBanner
+ I Module FvwmButtons RightPanel
+ I Module FvwmEvent EventNewDesk
+ SetBG $[FVWM_iUSERDIR]/images/background/hal9000.jpg

# Mouse Bindings Functions
DestroyFunc RaiseMoveX
AddToFunc RaiseMoveX
+ I Raise
+ M $0
+ D $1

DestroyFunc RaiseMove
AddToFunc RaiseMove
+ I Raise
+ M $0

DestroyFunc MoveToCurrent
AddToFunc MoveToCurrent
+ I ThisWindow MoveToPage
+ I ThisWindow MoveToDesk

# Function: ViewManPage $0
# This function loads the man page $0 in an terminal
# and is used with the help menu.
DestroyFunc ViewManPage
AddToFunc   ViewManPage
+ I Exec exec $[infostore.terminal] -g 80x40 \
  -n "Manual Page - $0" -T "Manual Page - $0" -e man "$0"

# Function: SetBG $0
# SetBG is used with the background menu to set the background
# image and configure it to be loaded the next time fvwm is run.
# Note, fvwm-root can't use .jpeg or resize images. Use something
# like display, feh, etc.
DestroyFunc SetBG
AddToFunc   SetBG
+ I Test (f $[FVWM_USERDIR]/images/background/$0) \
    Exec exec fvwm-root $[FVWM_USERDIR]/images/background/$0
+ I TestRc (Match) Exec exec ln -fs images/background/$0 \
+ I TestRc (Match) Break
+ I Test (!f $[FVWM_DATADIR]/default-config/images/background/$0) Break
+ I Exec exec fvwm-root $[FVWM_DATADIR]/default-config/images/background/$0
+ I Exec exec ln -fs $[FVWM_DATADIR]/default-config/images/background/$0 \

# Function: IconManClick
# This function is run from FvwmIconMan when the button is clicked.
DestroyFunc IconManClick
AddToFunc   IconManClick
+ I ThisWindow (Raised, !Shaded, !Iconic, CurrentPage) Iconify
+ I TestRc (Match) Break
+ I ThisWindow WindowShade off
+ I ThisWindow Iconify off
+ I ThisWindow Raise
+ I ThisWindow (AcceptsFocus) FlipFocus

# Function: ToggleTitle
# This function will toggle if fvwm shows the TitleBar.
DestroyFunc ToggleTitle
AddToFunc   ToggleTitle
+ I ThisWindow (State 1) WindowStyle Title
+ I TestRc (Match) State 1 False
+ I TestRc (Match) Break
+ I WindowStyle !Title
+ I State 1 True

# Function: ChangeDesk
# This function is called by FvwmEvent every time the Desk is changed.
DestroyFunc ChangeDesk
AddToFunc   ChangeDesk
+ I SendToModule FvwmButtons ChangeButton desk0 Colorset 10
+ I SendToModule FvwmButtons ChangeButton desk1 Colorset 10
+ I SendToModule FvwmButtons ChangeButton desk2 Colorset 10
+ I SendToModule FvwmButtons ChangeButton desk3 Colorset 10
+ I SendToModule FvwmButtons ChangeButton desk$0 Colorset 11

# 2: Styles #

# Desktops and Pages
# Fvwm has both Virtual Desktops and Pages. Each Desktop is built from
# a grid of Pages. The following sets the name of four Desktops and then
# divides each Desktop into a 2x2 grid of Pages that are positioned as
#   +---+---+
#   |   |   |
#   +---+---+
#   |   |   |
#   +---+---+
DesktopName 0 Main
DesktopName 1 Desk1
DesktopName 2 Desk2
DesktopName 3 Desk3
DesktopSize 2x2

# EdgeScroll will move the view port between the Pages when the mouse
# moves to the edge of the screen. This set the amount of distance to
# scroll at 100% (full page) and the EdgeResistance which is a timer
# for how long the mouse as at the edge before it scrolls.
# Set EdgeScroll 0 0 and/or EdgeResistance -1 to disable.
EdgeScroll 100 100
EdgeResistance 450
EdgeThickness 1
Style * EdgeMoveDelay 350, EdgeMoveResistance 350

# EwmhBaseStruts [left] [right] [top] [bottom]
# Reserves space along the edge(s) of the Screen that will not
# be covered when maximizing or placing windows.
EwmhBaseStruts 0 120 0 0

# This sets the ClickTime and MoveThreshold used to determine
# Double Clicks, Hold and Move for the mouse.
ClickTime 250
MoveThreshold 3

# Sets the focus style to SloppyFocus and a mouse click
# in a window will Raise it.
Style * SloppyFocus, MouseFocusClickRaises

# Default Font
DefaultFont "StringEncoding=UTF-8:xft:Terminus:Bold:size=16:antialias=True"

# Window Placement
Style * MinOverlapPlacement, GrabFocusOff, !UsePPosition

# Sets all windows to OpaqueMove (vs a wired frame) and  windows will
# snap to each other and the edge of the screen.
OpaqueMoveSize unlimited
Style * ResizeOpaque, SnapAttraction 15 SameType ScreenAll, SnapGrid

# Transient Windows (such as open file windows)
Style * DecorateTransient, StackTransientParent
Style * !FPGrabFocusTransient, FPReleaseFocusTransient

# WindowShade
Style * WindowShadeScrolls, WindowShadeSteps 10

# Ignore Numlock and other modifiers for bindings
# See
IgnoreModifiers L25

# Decor Styles
Style * BorderWidth 5, HandleWidth 5, MWMButtons, FvwmBorder, FirmBorder
Style * Colorset 1, HilightColorset 2
Style * BorderColorset 3, HilightBorderColorset 4

# Disable Icons from appearing on desktop.
# Comment this out or use Style * Icon to get the icons back.
Style * !Icon

# Window Specific Styles
Style RightPanel !Title, !Borders, !Handles, Sticky, \
                 WindowListSkip, NeverFocus
Style ConfirmQuit !Title, PositionPlacement Center, WindowListSkip, Layer 6
Style FvwmIdent WindowListSkip

# 3: Colorsets
# Colorsets can be used to configure the color of the various
# parts of fvwm such as window decor, menus, modules, etc.
# Colorset Convention
#   0 - Default
#   1 - Inactive Windows
#   2 - Active Window
#   3 - Inactive Windows Borders
#   4 - Active Windows Borders
#   5 - Menu - Inactive Item
#   6 - Menu - Active Item
#   7 - Menu - Grayed Item
#   8 - Menu - Title
#   9 - Reserved
#  10+ Modules
#      10 - Module Default
#      11 - Module Hilight
#      12 - Module ActiveButton (Mouse Hover)
#      13 - FvwmPager Active Page
#      14 - FvwmIconMan Iconified Button
Colorset 0  fg #ffffff, bg #003c3c, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 1  fg #000000, bg #8f9f8f, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 2  fg #ffffff, bg #003c3c, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 3  fg black, bg #4d4d4d, hi #676767, sh #303030, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 4  fg black, bg #2d2d2d, hi #474747, sh #101010, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 5  fg #000000, bg #ffffff, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 6  fg #ffffff, bg #2d2d2d, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 7  fg grey30, bg #ffffff, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 8  fg #ffffff, bg #003c3c, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 10 fg #ffffff, bg #003c3c, hi #aaaaaa, sh #999999, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 11 fg #ffffff, bg #1a6e99, hi #ffffff, sh #ffffff, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 12 fg #2d2d2d, bg #ffffff, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 13 fg #ffffff, bg #006c6c, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 14 fg #555555, bg #003c3c, hi #aaaaaa, sh #999999, Plain, NoShape

# 4: Menus
MenuStyle * FVWM
MenuStyle * MenuColorset 5, ActiveColorset 6, GreyedColorset 7, TitleColorset 8
MenuStyle * Hilight3DOff, HilightBack, HilightTitleBack, SeparatorsLong
MenuStyle * TrianglesSolid, TrianglesUseFore
MenuStyle * ItemFormat "%|%3.1i%5.3l%5.3>%|"
MenuStyle * Font "StringEncoding=UTF-8:xft:Terminus:Bold:size=16:antialias=True"

# Root Menu
# The root menu will PopUp with a click in the root
# window or using alt-f1 (or menu).
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmRoot
AddToMenu   MenuFvwmRoot "Fvwm" Title
+ "Programs%icons/programs.png%" Popup MenuPrograms
Test (x uxterm) + "XTerm%icons/terminal.png%" Exec exec uxterm
Test (x urxvt) + "URXvt%icons/terminal.png%" Exec exec urxvt
Test (x urxvtc) + "URXvtc%icons/terminal.png%" Exec exec urxvtc
+ "" Nop
+ "FvwmConsole%icons/terminal.png%" Module FvwmConsole -terminal $[infostore.terminal]
+ "Man Pages%icons/help.png%" Popup MenuFvwmManPages
+ "" Nop
+ "Refresh%icons/refresh.png%" Refresh
+ "Restart%icons/restart.png%" Restart
+ "Quit%icons/quit.png%" Module FvwmScript FvwmScript-ConfirmQuit
+ "" Nop
+ "Reboot%icons/restart.png%" exec urxvt -title "Reboot" -e sudo shutdown -r now
+ "Shutdown%icons/quit.png%" exec urxvt -title "Shutdown" -e sudo shutdown -h now

DestroyMenu MenuPrograms
AddToMenu   MenuPrograms "Programs" Title

# Window Operations Menus
DestroyMenu MenuWindowOps
AddToMenu   MenuWindowOps
+ "Move"      		Move
+ "Resize"    		Resize
+ "Iconify"   		Iconify
+ "Maximize"  		Maximize
+ "Shade"     		WindowShade
+ "Stick"     		Stick
+ "Move"                Move
+ "Resize"              Resize
+ "(De)Iconify"         Iconify
+ "(Un)Maximize"        Maximize
+ "(Un)Shade"           WindowShade
+ "(Un)Sticky"		Stick
+ "(No)TitleBar"	Pick (CirculateHit) ToggleTitle
+ "Send To"             Popup MenuSendTo
+ "Close"               Close
+ "Destroy"             Destroy
+ "Raise"		Raise
+ "Lower"		Lower
+ "StaysOnTop"          Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 6
+ "StaysPut"            Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 4
+ "StaysOnBottom"       Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 2
+ "Identify"            Module FvwmIdent

DestroyMenu MenuIconOps
AddToMenu   MenuIconOps
+ "(De)Iconify"         Iconify
+ "(Un)Maximize"        Maximize
+ "(Un)Shade"           WindowShade
+ "(Un)Sticky"		Stick
+ "(No)TitleBar"	Pick (CirculateHit) ToggleTitle
+ "Send To"             Popup MenuSendTo
+ "Close"               Close
+ "Destroy"             Destroy
+ "Raise"		Raise
+ "Lower"		Lower
+ "StaysOnTop"          Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 6
+ "StaysPut"            Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 4
+ "StaysOnBottom"       Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 2
+ "Identify"            Module FvwmIdent

DestroyMenu MenuSendTo
AddToMenu MenuSendTo
+ "Current" MoveToCurrent
+ "Page" PopUp MenuSendToPage
+ "Desk" PopUp MenuSendToDesk

DestroyMenu MenuSendToDesk
AddToMenu   MenuSendToDesk
+ "Desk 0"	MoveToDesk 0 0
+ "Desk 1"	MoveToDesk 0 1
+ "Desk 2"	MoveToDesk 0 2
+ "Desk 3"	MoveToDesk 0 3

DestroyMenu MenuSendToPage
AddToMenu   MenuSendToPage
+ "Page (0,0)"	MoveToPage 0 0
+ "Page (0,1)"	MoveToPage 0 1
+ "Page (1,0)"	MoveToPage 1 0
+ "Page (1,1)"	MoveToPage 1 1

# Fvwm Man Pages (Help) Menu
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmManPages
AddToMenu   MenuFvwmManPages "Help" Title
+ "fvwm"                ViewManPage fvwm
+ "FvwmAnimate"         ViewManPage FvwmAnimate
+ "FvwmAuto"            ViewManPage FvwmAuto
+ "FvwmBacker"          ViewManPage FvwmBacker
+ "FvwmBanner"          ViewManPage FvwmBanner
+ "FvwmButtons"         ViewManPage FvwmButtons
+ "FvwmCommand"         ViewManPage FvwmCommand
+ "FvwmConsole"         ViewManPage FvwmConsole
+ "FvwmEvent"           ViewManPage FvwmEvent
+ "FvwmForm"            ViewManPage FvwmForm
+ "FvwmIconMan"         ViewManPage FvwmIconMan
+ "FvwmIdent"           ViewManPage FvwmIdent
+ "FvwmPager"           ViewManPage FvwmPager
+ "FvwmPerl"            ViewManPage FvwmPerl
+ "FvwmProxy"           ViewManPage FvwmProxy
+ "FvwmRearrange"       ViewManPage FvwmRearrange
+ "FvwmScript"          ViewManPage FvwmScript
+ "" Nop
+ "fvwm-root"	        ViewManPage fvwm-root
+ "fvwm-menu-desktop"   ViewManPage fvwm-menu-desktop
+ "fvwm-menu-directory" ViewManPage fvwm-menu-directory
+ "fvwm-menu-headlines" ViewManPage fvwm-menu-headlines
+ "fvwm-menu-xlock"     ViewManPage fvwm-menu-xlock
+ "fvwm-config"         ViewManPage fvwm-config

# 5: Mouse and Key bindings
# Contexts:
#     R = Root Window                 rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
#     W = Application Window          rIrrrr<---------^rrrrr
#     F = Frame Corners               rrrrrr[13TTTT642]rrrrr
#     S = Frame Sides                 rIrrrr[wwwwwwwww]rrrrr
#     T = Title Bar                   rrrrrr[wwwwwwwww]rrrrr
#     I = Icon                        rIrrrrv_________>rrrrr
#                                     rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
#     Numbers are buttons: [1 3 5 7 9  TTTTT  0 8 6 4 2]
# Modifiers: (A)ny, (C)ontrol, (S)hift, (M)eta, (N)othing
# Format: Key <X>  <Context> <Modifier> <Action>
#         Mouse <X> <Context> <Modifier> <Action>

# Alt-F1 or Menu to load the root menu and Alt-Tab for a WindowList.
# Ctrl-F1/F2/F3/F4 will switch between the Virtual Desktops.
# Super_R (windows key) will launch a terminal.
# Silent supresses any errors (such as keyboards with no Menu key).
Silent Key F1 A M Menu MenuFvwmRoot
Silent Key Menu A A Menu MenuFvwmRoot
Silent Key Tab A M WindowList Root c c NoDeskSort, SelectOnRelease Meta_L
Silent Key F1 A C GotoDesk 0 0
Silent Key F2 A C GotoDesk 0 1
Silent Key F3 A C GotoDesk 0 2
Silent Key F4 A C GotoDesk 0 3
Silent Key Super_R A A Exec exec $[infostore.terminal]

# Window Buttons: [1 3 5 7 9  TTTTT  0 8 6 4 2]
#   1 - Open the WindowOps menu.
#   2 - Close on single click, Destory on double click.
#   4 - Maximize (right/middle button will only maximize vertical/horizontal)
#   6 - Iconify (minimize)
Mouse 1 1 A Menu MenuWindowOps Delete
Mouse 1 2 A Close
Mouse 1 4 A Maximize 100 100
Mouse 2 4 A Maximize 0 100
Mouse 3 4 A Maximize 100 0
Mouse 1 6 A Iconify

#   TitleBar: Click to Raise, Move, Double Click to Maximize
#             Mouse Wheel Up/Down to WindowShade On/Off
#   Borders: Click to raise, Move to Resize
#   Root Window: Left Click - Main Menu
#                Right Click - WindowOps Menu
#                Middle Click - Window List Menu
#   Right click TitleBar/Borders for WindowOps Menu
Mouse 1	T    A RaiseMoveX Move Maximize
Mouse 1	FS   A RaiseMove Resize
Mouse 4	T    A WindowShade True
Mouse 5	T    A WindowShade False
Mouse 1	R    A Menu MenuFvwmRoot
Mouse 2	R    A WindowList
Mouse 3	R    A Menu MenuWindowOpsLong
Mouse 1	I    A RaiseMoveX Move "Iconify off"
Mouse 3	T    A Menu MenuWindowOps
Mouse 3 I    A Menu MenuIconOps

# 6: Window Decor
# Buttons Locations: [1 3 5 7 9  TTTTT  0 8 6 4 2]
#   1 - WindowOps Menu
#   2 - Close
#   4 - Maximize
#   6 - Minimize
TitleStyle Centered Height 20 -- Flat
ButtonStyle All ActiveUp Vector 5 15x15@4 15x85@3 85x85@3 85x15@3 \
                15x15@3 -- Flat
ButtonStyle All ToggledActiveUp Vector 5 15x15@4 15x85@3 85x85@3 \
                85x15@3 15x15@3 -- Flat
ButtonStyle All ActiveDown Vector 5 20x20@4 20x80@3 80x80@3 80x20@3 \
                20x20@3 -- Flat
ButtonStyle All ToggledActiveDown Vector 5 20x20@4 20x80@3 80x80@3 \
                80x20@3 20x20@3 -- Flat
ButtonStyle All ToggledInactive Vector 5 47x47@3 57x53@3 53x53@3 \
                53x47@3 47x47@3 -- Flat
ButtonStyle All Inactive Vector 5 47x47@3 57x53@3 53x53@3 53x47@3 \
                47x47@3 -- Flat
AddButtonStyle 1 Active Vector 5 45x45@3 55x45@3 55x55@3 45x55@3 45x45@3
AddButtonStyle 2 Active Vector 4 35x35@3 65x65@3 65x35@4 35x65@3
AddButtonStyle 4 Active Vector 8 30x70@3 30x30@3 70x30@3 70x70@3 30x70@3 \
                 30x50@4 50x50@3 50x70@3
AddButtonStyle 4 ToggledActiveUp Vector 8 30x70@3 30x30@3 70x30@3 70x70@3 \
                 30x70@3 50x30@4 50x50@3 70x50@3
AddButtonStyle 6 Active Vector 5 35x60@3 65x60@3 65x50@3 35x50@3 35x60@3
ButtonStyle All - Clear
ButtonStyle 1 - MwmDecorMenu
ButtonStyle 4 - MwmDecorMax
ButtonStyle 6 - MwmDecorMin

# 7: Modules

# FvwmIdent
# FvwmIdent is a module that can be used to get the various info about
# a window. One use is getting the class/resource/name of a window.
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmIdent:*
*FvwmIdent: Colorset 10
*FvwmIdent: Font "StringEncoding=UTF-8:xft:Terminus:Bold:size=16:antialias=True"

# FvwmBanner
# This displays the Fvwm Logo for 5 seconds. This is displayed
# when fvwm starts.
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmBanner:*
*FvwmBanner: NoDecor
*FvwmBanner: Timeout 5

# FvwmScript
# FvwmScript is a module that allows one to write custom desktop
# widgets and various other tools. This config uses two FvwmScripts.
#   - DateTime - uses the output of "date" to display the date/time
#     on the RightPanel.
#   - Quit - This is a popup that asks for quit confirmation before
#     quitting fvwm.
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmScript:*
*FvwmScript: DefaultColorset 10

# FvwmButtons - RightPanel
# FvwmButtons is a powerful module that can be used to build custom
# panels and docks. This config uses FvwmButtons to build the RightPanel.
# The panel contains buttons to switch desks, FvwmPager, a system tray,
# FvwmIconMan (list of running windows), and a clock.
# Note - To use the system tray you must have "stalonetray" installed.
DestroyModuleConfig RightPanel:*
*RightPanel: Geometry 120x$[vp.height]-0+0
*RightPanel: Colorset 10
*RightPanel: Rows $[vp.height]
*RightPanel: Columns 120
*RightPanel: Frame 0
*RightPanel: Font "StringEncoding=UTF-8:xft:Terminus:Bold:size=16:antialias=True"
*RightPanel: (120x45, Icon "fvwm-logo-small.png", Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (120x5, Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (10x20, Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (25x20, Id desk0, Title "0", Action (Mouse 1) GotoDesk 0 0, Colorset 11, ActiveColorset 12, Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (25x20, Id desk1, Title "1", Action (Mouse 1) GotoDesk 0 1, ActiveColorset 12, Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (25x20, Id desk2, Title "2", Action (Mouse 1) GotoDesk 0 2, ActiveColorset 12, Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (25x20, Id desk3, Title "3", Action (Mouse 1) GotoDesk 0 3, ActiveColorset 12, Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (10x20, Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (5x80, Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (110x80, Swallow FvwmPager 'Module FvwmPager *', Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (5x80, Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (120x5, Frame 0)
Test (x stalonetray) *RightPanel: (120x20, Swallow(NoClose,UseOld) \
    stalonetray 'Exec exec stalonetray --config
    "$[FVWM_DATADIR]/default-config/.stalonetrayrc"', Frame 0)
Test (x stalonetray) PipeRead 'echo "*RightPanel: (120x$(($[vp.height]-225)), \
    Top, Swallow FvwmIconMan \'Module FvwmIconMan\', Frame 0)"'
Test (!x stalonetray) PipeRead 'echo "*RightPanel: (120x$(($[vp.height]-205)),\
    Top, Swallow FvwmIconMan \'Module FvwmIconMan\', Frame 0)"'
*RightPanel: (120x45, Swallow DateTime 'Module FvwmScript FvwmScript-DateTime',\
    Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (120x5, Frame 0)

DestroyModuleConfig BottomPanel: *
*BottomPanel: Geometry +0-0
*BottomPanel: Rows 1
*BottomPanel: Columns 1024
*BottomPanel: (96x1-33+0, Swallow "FvwmPager" "Module FvwmPager 0 3")
*BottomPanel: (1024x1, Swallow "FvwmIconMan" "Module FvwmIconMan -geometry x24")
*BottomPanel: (x1, Swallow "stalonetray" 'Exec exec stalonetray --geometry 24x24+0+0 --grow-gravity W --ignore-icon-resize true')

# FvwmPager
# This module displays the location of the windows on the various Pages
# and Desks. This is setup to show only the Pages on the current Desk.
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmPager:*
*FvwmPager: Colorset * 10
*FvwmPager: HilightColorset * 13
*FvwmPager: BalloonColorset * 10
*FvwmPager: WindowColorsets 10 11
*FvwmPager: Font None
*FvwmPager: Balloons All
*FvwmPager: BalloonFont "StringEncoding=UTF-8:xft:Terminus:Bold:size=16:antialias=True"
*FvwmPager: BallonYOffset +2
*FvwmPager: Window3dBorders
*FvwmPager: MiniIcons

# FvwmIconMan
# FvwmIconMan is a powerful tool to list and manage windows. This
# is used as the window list in the panel or taskbar.
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmIconMan:*
*FvwmIconMan: UseWinList true
*FvwmIconMan: ButtonGeometry 120x20
*FvwmIconMan: ManagerGeometry 1x1
*FvwmIconMan: Background #003c3c
*FvwmIconMan: Foreground #ffffff
*FvwmIconMan: FocusColorset 11
*FvwmIconMan: IconColorset 14
*FvwmIconMan: FocusAndSelectColorset 12
*FvwmIconMan: SelectColorset 12
*FvwmIconMan: IconAndSelectColorset 12
*FvwmIconMan: DrawIcons always
*FvwmIconMan: ReliefThickness 0
*FvwmIconMan: Format "%t"
*FvwmIconMan: Font "StringEncoding=UTF-8:xft:Terminus:Bold:size=16:antialias=True"
*FvwmIconMan: Action Mouse 0 A ret
*FvwmIconMan: Action Mouse 1 A sendcommand IconManClick
*FvwmIconMan: Action Mouse 3 A sendcommand "Menu MenuIconOps"
*FvwmIconMan: Resolution global
*FvwmIconMan: Tips needed
*FvwmIconMan: Sort id

# FvwmEvent
# FvwmEvent is a module that can run an action or function
# on specific events. This instance changes which desk number
# is highlighted when the desk is changed.
DestroyModuleConfig EventNewDesk:*
*EventNewDesk: PassID
*EventNewDesk: new_desk ChangeDesk

# FvwmForm
# FvwmForm is a module that can be used to build a GUI
# form. Used with fvwm-menu-desktop-config.fpl.
# This sets the default colorsets.
*FvwmFormDefault: Colorset 10
*FvwmFormDefault: ItemColorset 13

Система Debian Bullseye. Локаль C.UTF-8. В ru_RU.UTF-8 всё отображается нормально.

Cast Odalist, Spoofing


DefaultFont "-*-terminus-bold-r-*--16-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1"

() автор топика
Ответ на: комментарий от Spoofing

Как же, всё-таки, сделать через Terminus через xft?

() автор топика

Локаль C.UTF-8

Используй ru_RU.UTF-8

Odalist ★★★★★
5 ноября 2021 г.

Решилось (через Xft) увеличением размера шрифта до 16.

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