Erlang/OTP R16B03 has been released




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OTP R16B03 is a service release with mostly a number of small corrections and user contributions. But there are some new functions worth mentioning as well, here are some of them:

  • A new memory allocation feature called «super carrier» has been introduced. It can for example be used for pre-allocation of all memory that the runtime system should be able to use. It is enabled by passing the +MMscs (size in MB) command line argument. For more information see the documentation of the +MMsco, +MMscrfsd, +MMscrpm, +MMscs, +MMusac, and, +Mlpm command line arguments in the erts_alloc(3) documentation.
  • The LDAP client (eldap application) now supports the start_tls operation. This upgrades an existing tcp connection to encryption using TLS, see eldap:start_tls/2 and /3.
  • The FTP client (inets application) now supports FTP over TLS (ftps).

Исходный код:

Бинарные пакеты для CentOS 6, Mac OS X Snow Leopard или новее, Debian 7.0.0, Ubuntu 13.10 + 13.04 + 12.10 + 12.04, и Windows:


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