Python, tkFont - вывод -rfx-helvetica



Задача: надо средствами python-tk вывести текст шрифтом -rfx-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-120-75-75-p-70-iso10646-1
Что для этого надо задать в качестве аргумента fn=tkFont.Font(family=...,size=12) ?

Для справки:
import Tkinter,tkFont
wm = Tkinter.Tk()
print tkFont.families(wm)
$ ./
('fangsong ti', 'fixed', 'clearlyu alternate glyphs', 'serenetypewriter', 'charter', 'lucidatypewriter', 'courier 10 pitch', 'lucidabright', 'times', 'open look glyph', 'bitstream charter', 'song ti', 'helvetica', 'open look cursor', 'newspaper', 'clearlyu ligature', 'mincho', 'clearlyu devangari extra', 'clearlyu pua', 'courier', 'clearlyu', 'serene', 'lucida', 'clean', 'nil', 'clearlyu arabic', 'clearlyu devanagari', 'terminal', 'symbol', 'gothic', 'new century schoolbook', 'clearlyu arabic extra')



-family name <skip/> The name may also be the name of a native, platform-specific font family; in that case it will work as desired on one platform but may not display correctly on other platforms

MKuznetsov ★★★★★
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