Жгешь! :)))) Нафиг оно тебе надо? Перспективы... статистику собираешь?

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$ cat /usr/share/emacs/22.0.95/etc/future-bug
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2199 21:03:50 -0600
From: Karl Fogel <>
Subject: M-x search-backward-in-time broken...
X-Windows: you'll envy the dead.

In GNU Emacs 51.70.4 (i9986-unknown-linux-gnu, X toolkit) of Sat Feb 20 2199 on floss
configured using `configure --with-x-toolkit=yes'

The `search-backward-in-time' function appears to be broken in
Emacs 51.70.

Unfortunately, I can never seem to start the debugger early
enough to catch the error as it happens. However I have traced the
problem through source by eye, and it looks like `time-forward' can't
handle negative arguments anymore. This is consistent with other
symptoms: for example, `undo' (which since 51.25 has worked by passing
a negative arg to `time-forward') is also broken. However, `do' still
works -- it seems that `time-forward' continues to handle positive
arguments just fine.

No one here-and-now can figure out how to fix the problem,
because the code for `time-forward' is so hairy. We're using M-x
report-future-emacs-bug to request that you folks include more
comments when you write it (sometime in 2198 as I recall).


-Karl Fogel <>

P.S. You'll be pleased to know that since (time-forward N) still works
for N >= 0, we've used it to pre-emptively update
Emacs now configures and builds on every platform that will ever
be made. It wasn't easy, but at least that's one problem out of
the way for good. If you'd like the patch, just ask.


Sphinx ★★☆☆

>Подскажите пожалуйста ссылочку о перспективах развития Емакса.

Вкратце: "Emacs бессмертен!" Так и напиши.

Zubok ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от Sphinx

:D Жесть! emacs истинно наше _ВСЕ_ %)

Там же и для автора темы кое-что есть.. /usr/share/emacs/22.0.95/etc/TODO

Ответ на: комментарий от anonymous RMS рассказывает про лисп, про жизнь, про emacs... про гослинга - какой он нехороший

>Gosling did, at first, seem to participate in this spirit. He wrote in a manual that he called the program Emacs hoping that others in the community would improve it until it was worthy of that name. That's the right approach to take towards a community &#8212; to ask them to join in and make the program better. But after that he seemed to change the spirit, and sold it to a company.

Жабу написАл предатель..


Емакс переживёт Вселенную


Дык вроде и так понятно. 3d, полупрозрачность, анимация, интеграция с гнумом и КДЕ, true-color svg иконки, xml с подсветкой, скрепыш итд итп...

bugmaker ★★★★☆
Ответ на: комментарий от Begemoth

А с кде почему нет? У меня вон, интеграция с ion3 :)

stassats ★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от Begemoth

Ну тоже правильно. Зачем ради емакса КДЕ фтопку волочь, если вим - наше фсио?

bugmaker ★★★★☆

>о перспективах развития Емакса.

авторы этого поделия застряли в восмидесятых. о каких перспективах может идти речь ?

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