
Средства мониторинга производительности



Доброго времени суток!
Есть сервер с CentOS на борту. Необходимо мониторить загруженность процессора, памяти, обращения к жестким дискам, к сети и т.д. Желательно, в реальном масштабе времени.
Подскажите, какими средствами это можно сделать?

atop как бы для такого предназначен

psv1967 ★★★★★
[N] app-admin/apachetop (0.12.6-r1): A realtime Apache log analyzer
[N] dev-db/innotop ((~)1.7.2): innotop - A text-mode MySQL and InnoDB monitor like mytop, but with many more features
[N] dev-db/mtop ((~)0.6.6-r1): Mysql top monitors a MySQL server
[N] dev-db/mytop (1.6-r3): mytop - a top clone for mysql
[N] dev-db/pg_top ((~)3.6.2): 'top' for PostgreSQL
[N] net-analyzer/iftop (0.17): display bandwidth usage on an interface
[N] net-analyzer/jnettop (0.13.0-r1): A top like console network traffic visualiser
[N] net-analyzer/nettop ((~)0.2.3-r2): top like program for network activity
[N] net-analyzer/ntop ((~)4.0.1): Network traffic analyzer with web interface
[N] net-dns/dnstop ((~)20110502): Displays various tables of DNS traffic on your network.
[N] net-firewall/pftop (--): Pftop: curses-based utility for real-time display of active states and rule statistics for pf
[N] sys-power/powertop (1.13): tool that helps you find what software is using the most power
[N] sys-process/atop ((~)1.26): Resource-specific view of processes
[I] sys-process/htop (0.9@22.02.2011): interactive process viewer
[N] sys-process/iotop (0.4.3): Iotop has a top-like UI used to show which process is using the I/O
[N] sys-process/latencytop ((~)0.5): tool for identifying where in the system latency is happening
[N] sys-process/unixtop (--): top for UNIX systems
[N] x11-misc/xrestop (0.4): 'Top' like statistics of X11 client's server side resource usage
[N] x11-plugins/gkrelltop ((~)2.2.11-r1): a GKrellM2 plugin which displays the top three processes
[N] x11-plugins/wmtop (0.9.0): dockapp for monitoring the top three processes using cpu or memory.
anTaRes ★★★★
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