IMHO если самое простое, то из-за мастербраузера, поставь приоритет себе выше. Много машин в сети?


Во первых вот так сказть не то, что сложно, а практически невозможно, т.к. не вижу конфига. А так возможно что у тебя нету netbios name=


netbios name - есть, а вот мастер броузер в 9.1...

по умолчанию =20 (в девятом =33 было)
В сетке 22 машины, из них три winxp home edition...
Какой вообще приоритет мастер броузера у кого есть и должен быть?

() автор топика

У меня OS level всего 20, а участие в выборах мастер-браузера вообще отключено (надо так), в сети порядка 200 машин (в основном Win98 и 2000), а самое интересное то, что Win XP как раз именно Samba-серверы лучше всего и видит! Принёс тут коллега ноутбук с WinXP (чтоб скачать кое-что с моего Linux-сервака), врубил я тот ноут, настроил TCP/IP, глянул в сеть и обалдел - одни Samba-серверы мне показал (я, понятно, не расстроился). Так что, вы бы, действительно, конфиг свой показали, может, что-то и прояснилось бы. У меня вот одна машина под Win ME упорно, собака, не видит Samba-серваки (только если руками ввести NetBIOS-имя), а рядом другая такая же (и тоже под ME) видит! Win95, 98, NT 4.0 видят стопроцентно все (Samba 2.2.7a security rollup fix, Red Hat 9).


Вот, так сказать, вкратце...

Есть конечно своеобразный выход: по поиску в винде находишь этот самый самба сервер и прямо в проводнике линк тянешь на сетевое окружение. Только по людски хочется. Да и еще, вторая машина с этой же системой нормально отображается в сети, разница лишь в том, что я security-rollup-fix на эту самбу поставил по апдейту, а на той не установлен. Может в этом прикол?
#======================= Global Settings =====================================

# 1. Server Naming Options:
# workgroup = NT-Domain-Name or Workgroup-Name
   workgroup = WORKGROUP

# netbios name is the name you will see in "Network Neighbourhood",
# but defaults to your hostname
  netbios name = bao

# server string is the equivalent of the NT Description field
   server string = Bao

# Message command is run by samba when a "popup" message is sent to it.
# The example below is for use with LinPopUp:
; message command = /usr/bin/linpopup "%f" "%m" %s; rm %s

# 2. Printing Options:
# (as cups is now used in linux-mandrake 7.2 by default)
# if you want to automatically load your printer list rather
# than setting them up individually then you'll need this
###printcap name = lpstat
   printcap name = cups
   load printers = yes

# It should not be necessary to spell out the print system type unless
# yours is non-standard. Currently supported print systems include:
# bsd, sysv, plp, lprng, aix, hpux, qnx, cups
printing = cups

# Samba 2.2 supports the Windows NT-style point-and-print feature. To
# use this, you need to be able to upload print drivers to the samba
# server. The printer admins (or root) may install drivers onto samba.
# Note that this feature uses the print$ share, so you will need to 
# enable it below.
# This parameter works like domain admin group:
# printer admin = @<group> <user>
printer admin = @adm

# 3. Logging Options:
# this tells Samba to use a separate log file for each machine
# that connects
   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m

# Put a capping on the size of the log files (in Kb).
   max log size = 50

# Set the log (verbosity) level (0 <= log level <= 10)
; log level = 3

# 4. Security and Domain Membership Options:
# This option is important for security. It allows you to restrict
# connections to machines which are on your local network. The
# following example restricts access to two C class networks and
# the "loopback" interface. For more examples of the syntax see
# the smb.conf man page. Do not enable this if (tcp/ip) name resolution does
# not work for all the hosts in your network.
# hosts allow = 192.168.0. 192.168.0. 127.

# Uncomment this if you want a guest account, you must add this to /etc/passwd
# otherwise the user "nobody" is used
## guest account = nobody

# Security mode. Most people will want user level security. See
# security_level.txt for details.
  security = user

# Use password server option only with security = server or security = domain
# When using security = domain, you should use password server = *
;   password server = <NT-Server-Name>
;   password server = *

# Password Level allows matching of _n_ characters of the password for
# all combinations of upper and lower case.
;  password level = 8
;  username level = 8

# You may wish to use password encryption. Please read
# ENCRYPTION.txt, Win95.txt and WinNT.txt in the Samba documentation.
# Do not enable this option unless you have read those documents
# Encrypted passwords are required for any use of samba in a Windows NT domain
# The smbpasswd file is only required by a server doing authentication, thus
# members of a domain do not need one.
  encrypt passwords = yes
  smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd

# The following are needed to allow password changing from Windows to
# also update the Linux system password.
# NOTE: Use these with 'encrypt passwords' and 'smb passwd file' above.
# NOTE2: You do NOT need these to allow workstations to change only
#        the encrypted SMB passwords. They allow the Unix password
#        to be kept in sync with the SMB password.
;  unix password sync = Yes
;  passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
;  passwd chat = *New*UNIX*password* %n\n *ReType*new*UNIX*password* %n\n

# Unix users can map to different SMB User names
;  username map = /etc/samba/smbusers

# Using the following line enables you to customise your configuration
# on a per machine basis. The %m gets replaced with the netbios name
# of the machine that is connecting
;   include = /etc/samba/smb.conf.%m

# Options for using winbind. Winbind allows you to do all account and
# authentication from a Windows or samba domain controller, creating
# accounts on the fly, and maintaining a mapping of Windows RIDs to unix uid's 
# and gid's. winbind uid and winbind gid are the only required parameters.
# winbind uid is the range of uid's winbind can use when mapping RIDs to uid's
;  winbind uid = 10000-20000
# winbind gid is the range of uid's winbind can use when mapping RIDs to gid's
;  winbind gid = 10000-20000
# winbind separator is the character a user must use between their domain
# name and username, defaults to "\"
;  winbind separator = +
# template homedir determines the home directory for winbind users, with 
# %D expanding to their domain name and %U expanding to their username:
;  template homedir = /home/%D/%U
# template shell determines the shell users authenticated by winbind get
;  template shell = /bin/bash

# 5. Browser Control and Networking Options:
# Most people will find that this option gives better performance.
# See speed.txt and the manual pages for details
   socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192

# Configure Samba to use multiple interfaces
# If you have multiple network interfaces then you must list them
# here. See the man page for details.
;   interfaces = 

# Configure remote browse list synchronisation here
#  request announcement to, or browse list sync from:
#       a specific host or from / to a whole subnet (see below)
;   remote browse sync =
# Cause this host to announce itself to local subnets here
;   remote announce =

# set local master to no if you don't want Samba to become a master
### browser on your network. Otherwise the normal election rules apply
   local master = yes

# OS Level determines the precedence of this server in master browser
# elections. The default value should be reasonable
   os level = 33

# Domain Master specifies Samba to be the Domain Master Browser. This
# allows Samba to collate browse lists between subnets. Don't use this
# if you already have a Windows NT domain controller doing this job
;   domain master = yes 

# Preferred Master causes Samba to force a local browser election on startup
### and gives it a slightly higher chance of winning the election
   preferred master = yes

# 6. Domain Control Options:
# Enable this if you want Samba to be a domain logon server for 
# Windows95 workstations or Primary Domain Controller for WinNT and Win2k
;   domain logons = yes

# if you enable domain logons then you may want a per-machine or
# per user logon script
# run a specific logon batch file per workstation (machine)
;   logon script = %m.bat
# run a specific logon batch file per username
;   logon script = %U.bat

# Where to store roaming profiles for WinNT and Win2k
#        %L substitutes for this servers netbios name, %U is username
#        You must uncomment the [Profiles] share below
;   logon path = \\%L\Profiles\%U

# Where to store roaming profiles for Win9x. Be careful with this as it also
# impacts where Win2k finds it's /HOME share
; logon home = \\%L\%U\.profile

# The add user script is used by a domain member to add local user accounts
# that have been authenticated by the domain controller, or by the domain
# controller to add local machine accounts when adding machines to the domain.
# The script must work from the command line when replacing the macros,
# or the operation will fail. Check that groups exist if forcing a group.
# Script for domain controller for adding machines:
; add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g machines -c 'Machine Account' -s /bin/false -M %u
# Script for domain member for adding local accounts for authenticated users:
; add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -s /bin/false %u

# Domain groups:
# domain admin group is a list of unix users or groups who are made members
# of the Domain Admin group
; domain admin group = root @wheel
# domain guest groups is a list of unix users or groups who are made members
# of the Domain Guests group
; domain guest group = nobody @guest

# 7. Name Resolution Options:
# All NetBIOS names must be resolved to IP Addresses
# 'Name Resolve Order' allows the named resolution mechanism to be specified
# the default order is "host lmhosts wins bcast". "host" means use the unix
# system gethostbyname() function call that will use either /etc/hosts OR
# DNS or NIS depending on the settings of /etc/host.config, /etc/nsswitch.conf
# and the /etc/resolv.conf file. "host" therefore is system configuration
# dependant. This parameter is most often of use to prevent DNS lookups
# in order to resolve NetBIOS names to IP Addresses. Use with care!
# The example below excludes use of name resolution for machines that are NOT
# on the local network segment
# - OR - are not deliberately to be known via lmhosts or via WINS.
; name resolve order = wins lmhosts bcast

# Windows Internet Name Serving Support Section:
# WINS Support - Tells the NMBD component of Samba to enable it's WINS Server
;   wins support = yes

# WINS Server - Tells the NMBD components of Samba to be a WINS Client
#       Note: Samba can be either a WINS Server, or a WINS Client, but NOT both
;   wins server = w.x.y.z

# WINS Proxy - Tells Samba to answer name resolution queries on
# behalf of a non WINS capable client, for this to work there must be
# at least one  WINS Server on the network. The default is NO.
;   wins proxy = yes

# DNS Proxy - tells Samba whether or not to try to resolve NetBIOS names
# via DNS nslookups. The built-in default for versions 1.9.17 is yes,
### this has been changed in version 1.9.18 to no.
   dns proxy = no 

# 8. File Naming Options:
# Case Preservation can be handy - system default is _no_
# NOTE: These can be set on a per share basis
;  preserve case = no
;  short preserve case = no
# Default case is normally upper case for all DOS files
;  default case = lower
# Be very careful with case sensitivity - it can break things!
;  case sensitive = no

# Enabling internationalization:
# you can match a Windows code page with a UNIX character set.
# Windows: 437 (US), 737 (GREEK), 850 (Latin1 - Western European),
# 852 (Eastern Eu.), 861 (Icelandic), 932 (Cyrillic - Russian),
# 936 (Japanese - Shift-JIS), 936 (Simpl. Chinese), 949 (Korean Hangul),
# 950 (Trad. Chin.).
# UNIX: ISO8859-1 (Western European), ISO8859-2 (Eastern Eu.),
# ISO8859-5 (Russian Cyrillic), KOI8-R (Alt-Russ. Cyril.)
# This is an example for french users:
client code page = 866
character set = KOI8-R

#============================ Share Definitions ==============================
   comment = Home Directories
   browseable = no
   writable = yes

# Un-comment the following and create the netlogon directory for Domain Logons
; [netlogon]
;   comment = Network Logon Service
;   path = /var/lib/samba/netlogon
;   guest ok = yes
;   writable = no

   path = /home/bao/install
   comment = /home/bao/install
   public = yes
   guest ok = yes
   writable = no
   path = /home/bao/music_new
   comment = /home/bao/music_new
   public = yes
   guest ok = yes

() автор топика

Слушайте, ну, я не пойму в чём фокус, потому что у меня практически та же конфигурация! Кстати, security rollup fix у меня тоже по апдейту, но это, вообще говоря, смущать не должно, потому что RPM чаще всего корректно обновляет файлы (если только дистрибьютор прокололся и сделал RPM-пакет с ошибкой)... А что, у вас после обновления фигня началась что ли, или и до того была? Ну, можно, в принципе, попробовать такой вариант: удалите Samba с сервера, потом скачайте пакет в формате RPM прямо с - он в мелочах отличается от тех пакетов, которые собирают Red Hat и Mandrake, но должен работать без проблем (там ведь предлагают скачать Samba тоже уже с пофиксенным багом).


Еще тогда вопрос.
Может быть я лишний порт/протокол файреволом зарезал?
Кроме 137, 138, 139, 53 что нибудь еще открыто должно быть для нормальной работы локалки?

() автор топика

Тогда правила в студию, вообще если не глобальным правилом запрещено, то должно быть ок, т.к порты выше 1024 тоже нужны


А что выдаёт smbclient -L <виндовая машина> и smbclient -L bao ???


Вот такое выдыет:

[bao@bao bao]$ smbclient -L gav
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=

        Sharename      Type      Comment
        ---------      ----      -------
        TEMP_1         Disk
        NOW            Disk
        PRINTER$       Disk
        EPSON915       Printer
        IPC$           IPC       Взаимодействие между удаленными процессами

        Server               Comment
        ---------            -------

        Workgroup            Master
        ---------            -------

[bao@bao bao]$ smbclient -L bao
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
Anonymous login successful
Domain=[PROMHIM] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.8a]

        Sharename      Type      Comment
        ---------      ----      -------
        print$         Disk
        DOCUMENTS      Disk      /home/bao/Documents
        INSTALL        Disk      /home/bao/install
        BAO_MUSICNEW   Disk      /home/bao/music_new
        IPC$           IPC       IPC Service (Bao)
        ADMIN$         Disk      IPC Service (Bao)
        HPLaserJet110  Printer   HP LaserJet 1100

        Server               Comment
        ---------            -------
        ANDY                 ANDRE
        BAO                  Bao
        GAV                  GAV
        NATALIA              Natalia
        Workgroup            Master
        ---------            -------
        MAGNIT               ANDYFAR
        PROMGAS              VLADIMIR
        PROMHIM              BAO

() автор топика

И кстати, Самба нынче 2.2.8а... эффект тот же


() автор топика

Проверь соответствие workgroup

И вопроси у тебя случаем между ними шлюза нету (или чего нибудь что broadcast/netbios режет) ?

и дай ip/mask машин, а то может быть машины в разных подсетях и broadcast/netbios непроходит.


Прикол оказался в password enscripted = no/yes
а точнее сказать в патчах к 98-й винде позволяющей использовать шифрованные пароли на валяются.
Винду пропатчил - вроде попустило

() автор топика
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