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mutronix ★★★★

The 'send_buffer_size' and 'receive_buffer_size' options can be used to adjust the socket send and receive buffer sizes. Increasing the send buffer size may help reduce disk seeking as more data is buffered each time the socket is written to. On linux you may use «cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_wmem» to see the minimum, default and max buffer size, respectively.

The amount of memory address space used for mapping chunks is limited to «ulimit -m» or 1GB. For fast downloads and/or large number of peers this may quickly be exhausted causing the client to hang while it syncs to disk. You may increase this limit with the «max_memory_usage» option.

Performance Tuning


Почему в тех.вопрос в толксах?

sdio ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от yekm


Чёрт, я второй знак равенства вписать не додумался :) Спасибо.

KRoN73 ★★★★★
() автор топика
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