(info "(org) Matching tags and properties")

(info "(org) Matching tags and properties")

10.3.3 Matching tags and properties

If headlines in the agenda files are marked with _tags_ (*note Tags::),
or have properties (*note Properties and Columns::), you can select
headlines based on this metadata and collect them into an agenda buffer.
The match syntax described here also applies when creating sparse trees
with ‘C-c / m’.

‘C-c a m     (org-tags-view)’
     Produce a list of all headlines that match a given set of tags.
     The command prompts for a selection criterion, which is a boolean
     logic expression with tags, like ‘+work+urgent-withboss’ or
     ‘work|home’ (*note Tags::).  If you often need a specific search,
     define a custom command for it (*note Agenda dispatcher::).
‘C-c a M     (org-tags-view)’
     Like ‘C-c a m’, but only select headlines that are also TODO items
     in a not-DONE state and force checking subitems (see variable
     ‘org-tags-match-list-sublevels’).  To exclude scheduled/deadline
     items, see the variable
     ‘org-agenda-tags-todo-honor-ignore-options’.  Matching specific
     TODO keywords together with a tags match is also possible, see
     *note Tag searches::.

   The commands available in the tags list are described in *note Agenda

Match syntax

A search string can use Boolean operators ‘&’ for ‘AND’ and ‘|’ for
‘OR’.  ‘&’ binds more strongly than ‘|’.  Parentheses are not
implemented.  Each element in the search is either a tag, a regular
expression matching tags, or an expression like ‘PROPERTY OPERATOR
VALUE’ with a comparison operator, accessing a property value.  Each
element may be preceded by ‘-’, to select against it, and ‘+’ is
syntactic sugar for positive selection.  The ‘AND’ operator ‘&’ is
optional when ‘+’ or ‘-’ is present.  Here are some examples, using only

     Select headlines tagged ‘:work:’.
     Select headlines tagged ‘:work:’ and ‘:boss:’.
     Select headlines tagged ‘:work:’, but discard those also tagged
     Selects lines tagged ‘:work:’ or ‘:laptop:’.
     Like before, but require the ‘:laptop:’ lines to be tagged also

   Instead of a tag, you may also specify a regular expression enclosed
in curly braces.  For example, ‘work+{^boss.*}’ matches headlines that
contain the tag ‘:work:’ and any tag starting with ‘boss’.

   Group tags (*note Tag groups::) are expanded as regular expressions.
E.g., if ‘:work:’ is a group tag for the group ‘:work:lab:conf:’, then
searching for ‘work’ will search for ‘{\(?:work\|lab\|conf\)}’ and
searching for ‘-work’ will search for all headlines but those with one
of the tag in the group (i.e., ‘-{\(?:work\|lab\|conf\)}’).

   You may also test for properties (*note Properties and Columns::) at
the same time as matching tags.  The properties may be real properties,
or special properties that represent other metadata (*note Special
properties::).  For example, the “property” ‘TODO’ represents the TODO
keyword of the entry and the “property” ‘PRIORITY’ represents the
PRIORITY keyword of the entry.  The ITEM special property cannot
currently be used in tags/property searches(1).

   Except the *note Special properties::, one other “property” can also
be used.  ‘LEVEL’ represents the level of an entry.  So a search
‘+LEVEL=3+boss-TODO="DONE"’ lists all level three headlines that have
the tag ‘boss’ and are _not_ marked with the TODO keyword DONE.  In
buffers with ‘org-odd-levels-only’ set, ‘LEVEL’ does not count the
number of stars, but ‘LEVEL=2’ will correspond to 3 stars etc.

   Here are more examples:

     Select ‘:work:’-tagged TODO lines with the specific TODO keyword
     Waiting tasks both at work and at home.

   When matching properties, a number of different operators can be used
to test the value of a property.  Here is a complex example:

     +work-boss+PRIORITY="A"+Coffee="unlimited"+Effort<2         \

The type of comparison will depend on how the comparison value is
   − If the comparison value is a plain number, a numerical comparison
     is done, and the allowed operators are ‘<’, ‘=’, ‘>’, ‘<=’, ‘>=’,
     and ‘<>’.
   − If the comparison value is enclosed in double-quotes, a string
     comparison is done, and the same operators are allowed.
   − If the comparison value is enclosed in double-quotes _and_ angular
     brackets (like ‘DEADLINE<="<2008-12-24 18:30>"’), both values are
     assumed to be date/time specifications in the standard Org way, and
     the comparison will be done accordingly.  Special values that will
     be recognized are ‘"<now>"’ for now (including time), and
     ‘"<today>"’, and ‘"<tomorrow>"’ for these days at 00:00 hours,
     i.e., without a time specification.  Also strings like ‘"<+5d>"’ or
     ‘"<-2m>"’ with units ‘d’, ‘w’, ‘m’, and ‘y’ for day, week, month,
     and year, respectively, can be used.
   − If the comparison value is enclosed in curly braces, a regexp match
     is performed, with ‘=’ meaning that the regexp matches the property
     value, and ‘<>’ meaning that it does not match.

   So the search string in the example finds entries tagged ‘:work:’ but
not ‘:boss:’, which also have a priority value ‘A’, a ‘:Coffee:’
property with the value ‘unlimited’, an ‘Effort’ property that is
numerically smaller than 2, a ‘:With:’ property that is matched by the
regular expression ‘Sarah\|Denny’, and that are scheduled on or after
October 11, 2008.

   Accessing TODO, LEVEL, and CATEGORY during a search is fast.
Accessing any other properties will slow down the search.  However, once
you have paid the price by accessing one property, testing additional
properties is cheap again.

   You can configure Org mode to use property inheritance during a
search, but beware that this can slow down searches considerably.  See
*note Property inheritance::, for details.

   For backward compatibility, and also for typing speed, there is also
a different way to test TODO states in a search.  For this, terminate
the tags/property part of the search string (which may include several
terms connected with ‘|’) with a ‘/’ and then specify a Boolean
expression just for TODO keywords.  The syntax is then similar to that
for tags, but should be applied with care: for example, a positive
selection on several TODO keywords cannot meaningfully be combined with
boolean AND.  However, _negative selection_ combined with AND can be
meaningful.  To make sure that only lines are checked that actually have
any TODO keyword (resulting in a speed-up), use ‘C-c a M’, or
equivalently start the TODO part after the slash with ‘!’.  Using ‘C-c a
M’ or ‘/!’ will not match TODO keywords in a DONE state.  Examples:

     Same as ‘work+TODO="WAITING"’
     Select ‘:work:’-tagged TODO lines that are neither ‘WAITING’ nor
     Select ‘:work:’-tagged TODO lines that are either ‘WAITING’ or

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) But *note skipping entries based on regexp:
Zmicier ★★★★★
Ответ на: (info "(org) Matching tags and properties") от Zmicier
* test1						      	:a:

* test2							  :a:
* test3 						  :g:

Попробовал нажать «C-c a m», появилась надпись: «C-c a is undefined»

PS: потом попробовал нажать:‘C-c / m’, появилась надпись «math:», я ввел «a», теги с «a» выделились желтым, спасибо получилось!

() автор топика
Ответ на: комментарий от riziz

PPS: можно ли теперь сделать, чтобы строки с другими тегами исчезли?

() автор топика
Ответ на: комментарий от riziz

(info "(org) Conventions")

Попробовал нажать «C-c a m», появилась надпись: «C-c a is undefined»

The manual suggests two global keybindings: ‘C-c a’ for ‘org-agenda’ and
‘C-c c’ for ‘org-capture’.  These are only suggestions, but the rest of
the manual assumes that you are using these keybindings.

— (info "(org) Conventions")

Zmicier ★★★★★
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