Ответ на: комментарий от botrops-schlegelii

Intended Use
This book is intended for computer professionals and university students. Anyone who is
interested in learning about RISC processors will benefit from this book, which has been
structured so that it can be used for self-study. The reader is assumed to have had some
experience in a structured, high-level language such as C. However, the book does not
assume extensive knowledge of any high-level language—only the basics are needed.
Assembly language programming is part of several undergraduate curricula in computer
science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering departments. This book
can be used as a companion text in those courses that teach assembly language.

botrops-schlegelii ★★
Ответ на: комментарий от botrops-schlegelii

Here is a summary of the special features that set this book apart.
• This probably is the only book on the market to cover five popular RISC architectures:
MIPS, SPARC, PowerPC, Itanium, and ARM.
• There is a methodical organization of chapters for a step-by-step introduction to the
MIPS assembly language.
• This book does not use fragments of code in examples. All examples are complete
in the sense that they can be assembled and run giving a better feeling as to how
these programs work.
• Source code for the MIPS assembly language program examples is available from
the book’s Web site (˜sivarama/risc_book).
• The book is self-contained and does not assume a background in computer organization.
All necessary background material is presented in the book.
• Interchapter dependencies are kept to a minimum to offer maximum flexibility to
instructors in organizing the material. Each chapter provides an overview at the
beginning and a summary at the end.
• An extensive set of programming exercises is provided to reinforce the MIPS assembly
language concepts discussed in Part III of the book.

botrops-schlegelii ★★
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