Ошибка Certificiate invalid: certificate is not alive при попытке обновить Double Commander




При попытке обновить Double Commander на Fedora 38 (команда sudo dnf update -y --nogpgcheck) получаю ошибки:

Running transaction check
error: Verifying a signature using certificate 41B5132F245C8E77743285ED61508B60C33A8925 (home:Alexx2000 OBS Project <>):
  1. Certificiate 61508B60C33A8925 invalid: certificate is not alive
      because: The primary key is not live
      because: Expired on 2023-03-22T20:10:23Z
  2. Key 61508B60C33A8925 invalid: key is not alive
      because: The primary key is not live
      because: Expired on 2023-03-22T20:10:23Z
error: Verifying a signature using certificate 41B5132F245C8E77743285ED61508B60C33A8925 (home:Alexx2000 OBS Project <>):
  1. Certificiate 61508B60C33A8925 invalid: certificate is not alive
      because: The primary key is not live
      because: Expired on 2023-03-22T20:10:23Z
  2. Key 61508B60C33A8925 invalid: key is not alive
      because: The primary key is not live
      because: Expired on 2023-03-22T20:10:23Z
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
RPM: error: Verifying a signature using certificate 41B5132F245C8E77743285ED61508B60C33A8925 (home:Alexx2000 OBS Project <>):
RPM:   1. Certificiate 61508B60C33A8925 invalid: certificate is not alive
RPM:       because: The primary key is not live
RPM:       because: Expired on 2023-03-22T20:10:23Z
RPM:   2. Key 61508B60C33A8925 invalid: key is not alive
RPM:       because: The primary key is not live
RPM:       because: Expired on 2023-03-22T20:10:23Z
RPM: error: Verifying a signature using certificate 41B5132F245C8E77743285ED61508B60C33A8925 (home:Alexx2000 OBS Project <>):
RPM:   1. Certificiate 61508B60C33A8925 invalid: certificate is not alive
RPM:       because: The primary key is not live
RPM:       because: Expired on 2023-03-22T20:10:23Z
RPM:   2. Key 61508B60C33A8925 invalid: key is not alive
RPM:       because: The primary key is not live
RPM:       because: Expired on 2023-03-22T20:10:23Z
RPM: error: Verifying a signature using certificate 41B5132F245C8E77743285ED61508B60C33A8925 (home:Alexx2000 OBS Project <>):
RPM:   1. Certificiate 61508B60C33A8925 invalid: certificate is not alive
RPM:       because: The primary key is not live
RPM:       because: Expired on 2023-03-22T20:10:23Z
RPM:   2. Key 61508B60C33A8925 invalid: key is not alive
RPM:       because: The primary key is not live
RPM:       because: Expired on 2023-03-22T20:10:23Z
RPM: error: Verifying a signature using certificate 41B5132F245C8E77743285ED61508B60C33A8925 (home:Alexx2000 OBS Project <>):
RPM:   1. Certificiate 61508B60C33A8925 invalid: certificate is not alive
RPM:       because: The primary key is not live
RPM:       because: Expired on 2023-03-22T20:10:23Z
RPM:   2. Key 61508B60C33A8925 invalid: key is not alive
RPM:       because: The primary key is not live
RPM:       because: Expired on 2023-03-22T20:10:23Z
RPM: error: Verifying a signature using certificate 41B5132F245C8E77743285ED61508B60C33A8925 (home:Alexx2000 OBS Project <>):
RPM:   1. Certificiate 61508B60C33A8925 invalid: certificate is not alive
RPM:       because: The primary key is not live
RPM:       because: Expired on 2023-03-22T20:10:23Z
RPM:   2. Key 61508B60C33A8925 invalid: key is not alive
RPM:       because: The primary key is not live
RPM:       because: Expired on 2023-03-22T20:10:23Z
RPM: error: Verifying a signature using certificate 41B5132F245C8E77743285ED61508B60C33A8925 (home:Alexx2000 OBS Project <>):
RPM:   1. Certificiate 61508B60C33A8925 invalid: certificate is not alive
RPM:       because: The primary key is not live
RPM:       because: Expired on 2023-03-22T20:10:23Z
RPM:   2. Key 61508B60C33A8925 invalid: key is not alive
RPM:       because: The primary key is not live
RPM:       because: Expired on 2023-03-22T20:10:23Z
The downloaded packages were saved in cache until the next successful transaction.
You can remove cached packages by executing 'dnf clean packages'.
Error: Transaction test error:
  package doublecmd-gtk-1.2.0+svn11005+gitbb21348-937.1.x86_64 does not verify: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID c33a8925: NOTTRUSTED
  package libunrar-6.2.12-2.1.x86_64 does not verify: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID c33a8925: NOTTRUSTED

Сертификат импортировал sudo rpm --import ""



Последнее исправление: neversleep (всего исправлений: 1)

Ответ на: комментарий от firkax

Причём тут ssl? Там gpg-подпись.

Ты лучше автору вопроса подскажи - почему у него при dnf --nogpgcheck ругается на сертификат.

По-моему, прежде чем дело дойдет до проверки gpg-подписи пакетов, нужно соединится с сервером и скачать информацию и пакеты. Так вот для соединения нужен сертификат. man dnf.conf нагло утверждает, что проверка ssl-сертификатов включена по умолчанию:

sslverify boolean 

    When enabled, remote SSL certificates are verified. If the client can not be authenticated, connecting fails and the repository is not used any further. If False, SSL connections can be used, but certificates are not verified. Default is True.
sigurd ★★★★★
Последнее исправление: sigurd (всего исправлений: 1)
Ответ на: комментарий от sigurd

Ты смотрел лог который он привёл? Это определённо не лог https подключения, а вот на лог gpg проверяльщика очень похоже.

А в конце прямо написано, что провалилась проверка конкретных пакетов.

firkax ★★★★★
Последнее исправление: firkax (всего исправлений: 1)
Ответ на: комментарий от firkax

Ты смотрел лог который он привёл? Это определённо не лог https подключения, а вот на лог gpg проверяльщика очень похоже.

Согласен! Ты автору вопроса подскажи, как ему отключить проверку сертификата!

sigurd ★★★★★