
[ffproxy] Error Unable to resolve IP for host



Там вроде все просто, но на клиентских машинах везде пишет Error Unable to resolve IP for host при попытке открыть любую страницу.

Конфиги: /etc/ffproxy/ffproxy.conf

# Debianized configuration file for ffproxy(8)
# (version 1.6)
# lines starting with '#' are comments

# number of child processes,
# that is, the maximum number of concurrent requests
# (default: 10)
child_processes 10

# ffproxy binds to any IPv4 address
# and any IPv6 address by default
# bind to IPv4?  (default: yes)
#bind_ipv4 no
bind_ipv4 yes
# bind to IPv6?  (default: yes)
bind_ipv6 no
#bind_ipv6 yes
# Hostname or IP to bind to
# (default is any IP)
#bind_ipv6_host ::1

# listen on port
# (default: 8080)
#port 1111
port 8080

# use IPv6 when contacting servers?
# (default: yes)
use_ipv6 no
#use_ipv6 yes

# use syslog?
# (default: yes)
#use_syslog no
use_syslog yes

# log all requests?
# (default: no)
# to use, set also use_syslog to yes
#log_all_requests yes
log_all_requests no

# forward to proxy (auxiliary proxy)
# (set `forward_proxy_port 0' to explicitly disable feature
#  (i.e, when reloading configuration file via SIGHUP))
# (disabled by default)
#forward_proxy ::1
#forward_proxy_port 8082
#forward_proxy_port 0

# try IPv6 for auxiliary proxy?
# use_ipv6 must be set to yes, too
# (default: yes)
#forward_proxy_ipv6 no
#forward_proxy_ipv6 yes

# http accelerator
# (disabled by default)
# if you want to use ffproxy as http accelerator (that is, connecting
# to just one http server and beeing used as front-end to that, e.g.
# in DMZ) uncomments options below (port is optional, defaults to 80)
# (set `accel_port 0' to explicitly disable feature
#  (i.e, when reloading configuration file via SIGHUP))
#accel_port 80
#accel_port 0
# Omit Host: accel_host:accel_port in Header
# to provide own Host: header via db/filter.header.add?
# (default: yes)
#accel_user_host no
#accel_user_host yes

# keep alive on client to proxy connections
# (enabled by default)
#use_keep_alive no
use_keep_alive yes

# allow CONNECT request to other than port 443 (HTTPS)
# (CONNECT enables HTTPS proxying)
# (disabled by default for security)
#unrestricted_connect yes
unrestricted_connect no

# timeout for CONNECT requests in seconds
# (default: 5)
#timeout_connect 20
timeout_connect 5

# backlog size for accept()
# (default: 4)
#backlog_size 16
backlog_size 4

# Debian config :
# ---------------
#  do not modify values below unless you now what you
#  know what you are doing, if modified it will break
#  init script

# run as daemon?
# (default: no)
daemonize yes
#daemonize no

# change UID and GID
# to use, both uid and gid must be set
# (disabled by default)
#uid proxy
#gid proxy
#uid 37
#gid 38

# change root to (only in connection with uid and gid change)
#   /etc/resolv.conf might need to be copied
#   to chroot_dir/etc/resolv.conf
# (disabled by default)
#chroot_dir /path/to/chroot

# path to db/ and html/ directories
# (default: _BASE_)
# (Note: if ffproxy runs chrooted,
#  give a path name relative to new root, or,
#  if db_files_path is the same as root, use db_files_path ./
#  You have to start ffproxy in the new root directory,
#  otherwise it won't find the database files.
#  Please keep in mind that ffproxy's config file has to
#  be within chroot directory, otherwise it will not find
#  its config file on reload)
#db_files_path ./

# directory to store file (with ffproxy pid inside)
# (default: /var/run)
#pid_dir /tmp
#pid_dir /var/run

# end of file

менял только порт на 8080 и отключл forvard_proxy


# db/access.ip
# put IPv4 and IPv6 addresses allowed to connect here
# empty lines and lines starting with # are ignored
# regular expression matching is used here
# Examples:
# This allows everyone to connect:
# This allows everyone to connect via IPv6:
# This allows everyone to connect via IPv4:

тут раскомментил предпоследнюю строчку, соединение идет

интернет у меня директный, все везде работает. убунта 11-я, если это может помочь


Ответ на: комментарий от power

>че-то с резолвом

с чем? :)

да я догадываюсь что ни при чем, больно уж очевдно он настраивается чтоб еще и глючить где-то...

pihter ★★★★★
() автор топика
Ответ на: комментарий от pihter

с чем? :)

Со штукой, которая преобразует имена доменов в ip-адреса. Проверь файлы /etc/resolv.conf на сервере и на клиентах, на всякий случай.

Вы не можете добавлять комментарии в эту тему. Тема перемещена в архив.