История изменений

Исправление crypt, (текущая версия) :

To run DNF succesfully you need at least 4Gb of dedicated RAM and a dedicated co-processor with AVX instruction set support. Also GPU acceleration facilates index operations. The best DNF experience comes with Intel processor and Microsoft Windows 11 Operating System.


Java не тормозит! (с)

Исправление crypt, :

To run DNF succesfully you need at least 4Gb of dedicated RAM and a dedicated co-processor with AVX instruction set support. Also GPU acceleration facilates index operations. The best DNF experience comes with Intel processor and Microsoft Windows 11 Operating System.

Исходная версия crypt, :

To run DNF succesfully you need at least 4Gb of dedicated RAM and a dedicated co-processor with AVX instruction set support. Also GPU acceleration facilates index operations.