История изменений

Исправление Vsevolod-linuxoid, (текущая версия) :

Opera (по умолчанию) или Firefox:

You can set the browser.tabs.closeWindowWithLastTab pref to false on the about:config page to prevent closing the last tab from closing that window and make a close button appear if only one tab is open.
You can open the about:config page via the location/address bar.
You can accept the warning and click «I'll be careful» to continue.

Исправление Vsevolod-linuxoid, :

Opera (по умолчанию) или Firefox:

You can set the browser.tabs.closeWindowWithLastTab pref to false on the about:config page to prevent closing the last tab from closing that window and make a close button appear if only one tab is open.

You can open the about:config page via the location/address bar.
You can accept the warning and click «I'll be careful» to continue.

Исправление Vsevolod-linuxoid, :

Opera (по умолчанию) или Firefox:

You can set the browser.tabs.closeWindowWithLastTab pref to false on the about:config page to prevent closing the last tab from closing that window and make a close button appear if only one tab is open.

You can open the about:config page via the location/address bar.

You can accept the warning and click «I'll be careful» to continue.

Исходная версия Vsevolod-linuxoid, :
