История изменений

Исправление beos, (текущая версия) :

Install of controlLook

Copy the binary «FlatControlLook» ( in the path: «/boot/home/config/non-packaged/control_look» (if not exist the folder, create it).

Install of Decorator

Copy the binary «FlatDecorator» ( in the path: «/boot/home/config/non-packaged/decorators» (if not exist the folder, create it).

Install Dark-Theme

To use the theme you need to install the package «Theme Manager» from haiku-depot. After install it, copy the folder «DarkFlat» from ( in the directory /boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes. Open Theme manager and select «DarkFlat» from the list.

Исходная версия beos, :

Install of controlLook

Copy the binary «FlatControlLook» ( in the path: «/boot/home/config/non-packaged/control_look» (if not exist the folder, create it).

Install of Decorator

Copy the binary «FlatDecorator» ( in the path: «/boot/home/config/non-packaged/decorators» (if not exist the folder, create it).

Install Dark-Theme:

To use the theme you need to install the package «Theme Manager» from haiku-depot. After install it, copy the folder «DarkFlat» from ( in the directory /boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes. Open Theme manager and select «DarkFlat» from the list.