История изменений

Исправление geekless, (текущая версия) :

Там дальше еще большая жесть.

For example, Gnome Shell doesn’t support status icons, so GNOME dev ‘mccann’ filed a bug report to a Transmission (BitTorrent client) dev to say that this option should be removed. Why should it be removed? Because Gnome Shell doesn’t support it anymore! Apparently in GNOMEland there are no other desktop environments (remind anyone of Microsoft?) From Don’t use a notification area icon in GNOME 3:

mccann writes:

    In the upcoming GNOME 3 we won’t be supporting notification area icons (status icons)…

    Transmission has an option in the Desktop tab of the preferences to “Show Transmission icon in the notification area”. This should probably be removed.

charles (developer of Transmission) writes:

    So now we can have three builds of Transmission that decide at compile time whether to use AppIndicator, GtkStatusIcon, or nothing at all, over such a stupid feature?

    Removing it altogether, as you suggest, will hurt XFCE users.

    I wish GNOME, Canonical, and everyone else involved would settle on one consistent API for this and stop fucking the app developers over.

    In order for this ticket to move forward, I’d like you to tell me what change should be made to Transmission that will make it work properly, out of the box, on GNOME Shell, Unity, and XFCE. 

mccann replies:

    I guess you have to decide if you are a GNOME app, an Ubuntu app, or an XFCE app unfortunately. I’m sorry that this is the case but it wasn’t GNOME’s fault that Ubuntu has started this fork. And I have no idea what XFCE is or does sorry.

    It is my hope that you are a GNOME app…

We must choose our side. Is this a war? And can we really and seriously believe that one of the main GNOME devs doesn’t know what XFCE is?

Also, we see an indication of how decisions are made on GNOME:

mccann writes:

    FWIW, I don’t think Transmission is at all impaired by removing all of above – app indicator and status icon. I have never used it with the status icon myself. 

Mr. GNOME Developer doesn’t use this feature, so it must be the case for all the world. So why keep it? It’s unneeded by GNOME!

В гноме это ненужно. Прекрасная формулировка, я считаю. Анонимные аналитики ЛОРа — суть гномовой команды девелоперов.

Исходная версия geekless, :

Там дальше еще большая жесть.

For example, Gnome Shell doesn’t support status icons, so GNOME dev ‘mccann’ filed a bug report to a Transmission (BitTorrent client) dev to say that this option should be removed. Why should it be removed? Because Gnome Shell doesn’t support it anymore! Apparently in GNOMEland there are no other desktop environments (remind anyone of Microsoft?) From Don’t use a notification area icon in GNOME 3:

mccann writes:

    In the upcoming GNOME 3 we won’t be supporting notification area icons (status icons)…

    Transmission has an option in the Desktop tab of the preferences to “Show Transmission icon in the notification area”. This should probably be removed.

charles (developer of Transmission) writes:

    So now we can have three builds of Transmission that decide at compile time whether to use AppIndicator, GtkStatusIcon, or nothing at all, over such a stupid feature?

    Removing it altogether, as you suggest, will hurt XFCE users.

    I wish GNOME, Canonical, and everyone else involved would settle on one consistent API for this and stop fucking the app developers over.

    In order for this ticket to move forward, I’d like you to tell me what change should be made to Transmission that will make it work properly, out of the box, on GNOME Shell, Unity, and XFCE. 

mccann replies:

    I guess you have to decide if you are a GNOME app, an Ubuntu app, or an XFCE app unfortunately. I’m sorry that this is the case but it wasn’t GNOME’s fault that Ubuntu has started this fork. And I have no idea what XFCE is or does sorry.

    It is my hope that you are a GNOME app…

We must choose our side. Is this a war? And can we really and seriously believe that one of the main GNOME devs doesn’t know what XFCE is?

Also, we see an indication of how decisions are made on GNOME:

mccann writes:

    FWIW, I don’t think Transmission is at all impaired by removing all of above – app indicator and status icon. I have never used it with the status icon myself. 

Mr. GNOME Developer doesn’t use this feature, so it must be the case for all the world. So why keep it? [u]It’s unneeded by GNOME![/u]

В гноме это ненужно. Прекрасная формулировка, я считаю. Анонимные аналитики ЛОРа — суть гномовой команды девелоперов.