История изменений

Исправление intelfx, (текущая версия) :

Нет, не wontfix. Это надо чинить.

If any kind of corruption is noticed by a reader it should try hard to handle this gracefully, such as skipping over the corrupted data, but allowing access to as much data around it as possible.

Исправление intelfx, :

Нет, не wontfix. Это надо чинить.

If any kind of corruption is noticed by a reader it should try hard to handle this gracefully, such as skipping over the corrupted data, but allowing access to as much data around it as possible.

Исходная версия intelfx, :

Нет, не wontfix.

If any kind of corruption is noticed by a reader it should try hard to handle this gracefully, such as skipping over the corrupted data, but allowing access to as much data around it as possible.