История изменений

Исправление sanyo1234, (текущая версия) :

Там что-то про шапочку из фольги?

Elogind does monitor power button and the lid switch, like systemd,
but instead of doing RPC to systemd to suspend, poweroff, or restart
the machine, elogind just does this directly.  For suspend, hybernate,
and hybrid-sleep, elogind uses the same code as systemd-sleep.
Instead of using a separate sleep.conf file to configure the sleep
behavior, this is included in the [Sleep] section of
/etc/elogind/login.conf.  See the example login.conf for more.  For
shutdown, reboot, and kexec, elogind shells out to "halt", "reboot",
and "kexec" binaries.

А что, хост с systemd по-прежнему до сих пор выключается через RPC?

Исходная версия sanyo1234, :

Там что-то про шапочку из фольги?

Elogind does monitor power button and the lid switch, like systemd,
but instead of doing RPC to systemd to suspend, poweroff, or restart
the machine, elogind just does this directly.  For suspend, hybernate,
and hybrid-sleep, elogind uses the same code as systemd-sleep.
Instead of using a separate sleep.conf file to configure the sleep
behavior, this is included in the [Sleep] section of
/etc/elogind/login.conf.  See the example login.conf for more.  For
shutdown, reboot, and kexec, elogind shells out to "halt", "reboot",
and "kexec" binaries.

А что, хост с systemd по-прежнему до сих пор выключается через RPC?