История изменений

Исправление praseodim, (текущая версия) :!topic/wayland-display-server/5-0MARj7MbQ

Here is the short
answer: remote desktop with just Wayland is impossible because it communicates with local DRM buffers. It could be extended to allow clients over a network to send image data, however that would be kind of like VNC. Wayland will definitely not take drawing commands like X, because it is supposed to be rendering API neutral.

Далее одно только would. Только обещаю прикрутить что-то. Короче фтопку. X11 делали умные люди в отличие от и у умных людей десктоп работал по сети by design

Исправление praseodim, :!topic/wayland-display-server/5-0MARj7MbQ

Here is the short

answer: remote desktop with just Wayland is impossible because it communicates with local DRM buffers. It could be extended to allow clients over a network to send image data, however that would be kind of like VNC. Wayland will definitely not take drawing commands like X, because it is supposed to be rendering API neutral.

Далее одно только would. Только обещаю прикрутить что-то. Короче фтопку. X11 делали умные люди в отличие от и у умных людей десктоп работал по сети by design

Исходная версия praseodim, :!topic/wayland-display-server/5-0MARj7MbQ

Here is the short

answer: remote desktop with just Wayland is impossible because it communicates with local DRM buffers. It could be extended to allow clients over a network to send image data, however that would be kind of like VNC. Wayland will definitely not take drawing commands like X, because it is supposed to be rendering API neutral.

Далее одно только would. Только обещаю прикрутить что-то. Короче фтопку. X11 делали умные люди в отличие от и умных людей десктоп работал по сети by design