История изменений

Исправление xaizek, (текущая версия) :

narrow charcter string - это «текс без префикса в исходнике».

То в контексте разбора исходника может быть, а вообще (basic.fundamental):

The three types char, signed char, and unsigned char are collectively called ordinary character types.
The ordinary character types and char8_­t are collectively called narrow character types.


codecvt<wchar_­t, char, mbstate_­t> converts between the native character sets for ordinary and wide characters.

Да, наверное так и есть, но это все равно не поведение из доков.


For some standard facets a standard “…_­byname” class, derived from it, implements the virtual function semantics equivalent to that facet of the locale constructed by locale(const char*) with the same name.


explicit locale(const char* std_name);
Effects: Constructs a locale using standard C locale names, e.g., "POSIX".
The resulting locale implements semantics defined to be associated with that name.

Хотя не уверен, что пустая строка в качестве имени локали в стандарте оговорена. Может это подразумевается под «standard C locale names».

Исправление xaizek, :

narrow charcter string - это «текс без префикса в исходнике».

То в контексте разбора исходника может быть, а вообще (basic.fundamental):

The three types char, signed char, and unsigned char are collectively called ordinary character types.
The ordinary character types and char8_­t are collectively called narrow character types.


codecvt<wchar_­t, char, mbstate_­t> converts between the native character sets for ordinary and wide characters.

Да, наверное так и есть, но это все равно не поведение из доков.


For some standard facets a standard “…_­byname” class, derived from it, implements the virtual function semantics equivalent to that facet of the locale constructed by locale(const char*) with the same name.


explicit locale(const char* std_name);
Effects: Constructs a locale using standard C locale names, e.g., "POSIX".
The resulting locale implements semantics defined to be associated with that name.

Хотя не уверен, что пустая строка в качестве имени локали в стандарте оговорена. Может это подразумевается под «standard C locale names».

Исходная версия xaizek, :

narrow charcter string - это «текс без префикса в исходнике».

То в контексте разбора исходника может быть, а вообще (basic.fundamental):

The three types char, signed char, and unsigned char are collectively called ordinary character types.
The ordinary character types and char8_­t are collectively called narrow character types.


codecvt<wchar_­t, char, mbstate_­t> converts between the native character sets for ordinary and wide characters.

Да, наверное так и есть, но это все равно не поведение из доков.


For some standard facets a standard “…_­byname” class, derived from it, implements the virtual function semantics equivalent to that facet of the locale constructed by locale(const char*) with the same name.


locale() noexcept;
Effects: Constructs a copy of the argument last passed to locale::global(locale&), if it has been called; else, the resulting facets have virtual function semantics identical to those of locale::classic().