История изменений

Исправление megabaks, (текущая версия) :


This option is *Experimental* and used the advanced drawing library code using wxGraphicsContext and should only be used for testing purposes. Under Windows, a very recent version of mingw is needed. It also requires wxWidgets to be built with the --enable-graphics_ctx configuration switch.


This option enables or disables wxOverlay for drawing operation on OSX.

вроде эталонное ненужно

Исходная версия megabaks, :


This option is *Experimental* and used the advanced drawing library code using wxGraphicsContext and should only be used for testing purposes. Under Windows, a very recent version of mingw is needed. It also requires wxWidgets to be built with the --enable-graphics_ctx configuration switch.


This option enables or disables wxOverlay for drawing operation on OSX.

второе точно не нужно.