Ответ на: комментарий от AcidumIrae

>> /me бросил кирпич

} catch(const Brick &b) {
    std::wcout << L"Кирпич перехвачен" << endl;


>Hotwire's object-oriented nature is influenced by Windows PowerShell;

ну, если оно "is influenced by Windows PowerShell" - то что ж тут удивительного?

Ответ на: комментарий от KRoN73

Хотя даже если доделают, то zsh все равно лучше. Я, например, до любой папки, даже самой глубоко вложеной, с помощью табов добираюсь за 2 секунды, а с этим файловым менеджером в двадцать раз дольше.

xTERM ★★
() автор топика
Ответ на: комментарий от xTERM

Hi, I'm the author of Hotwire.

My understanding of this discussion is through the lens of Google Translate, so bear with me =)

The FreeBSD filesystem thing - yeah, it's probably just a matter of adding FreeBSD to the is_unix() check - I just did that. I was mostly waiting on a patch from someone who had actually tested things though.

The NoneType error from pixmaps - see:

Heresy? Sounds like a complement! =)

50MB of memory - probably, yeah. Personally though, my laptop has 2G of RAM. Even cheap laptops have a minimum of 512MB now - I'm kind of designing Hotwire to actually make use of your memory.

Quoting bugs with '" - I know about it! Will fix soon.

Something about flying cows...not sure. =)

Getting to directories faster in zsh - yeah, the current completion system isn't quite as good as I want it to be. See for a new design that should hopefully land before 0.700.

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