rkhunter не обновляется.




Установил сегодня rkhunter. Он не обновляется.

rkhunter --versioncheck

[ Rootkit Hunter version 1.4.6 ]

Checking rkhunter version...
  This version  : 1.4.6
  Latest version: Download failed

sudo rkhunter --update

[ Rootkit Hunter version 1.4.6 ]

Checking rkhunter data files...
  Checking file mirrors.dat                                  [ Update failed ]
  Checking file programs_bad.dat                             [ Update failed ]
  Checking file backdoorports.dat                            [ Update failed ]
  Checking file suspscan.dat                                 [ Update failed ]
  Checking file i18n versions                                [ Update failed ]

Please check the log file (/var/log/rkhunter.log)


[13:44:59] Checking rkhunter data files...
[13:44:59] Info: Created temporary file '/var/lib/rkhunter/tmp/rkhunter.upd.EntOdYOxeZ'
[13:44:59] Info: The mirrors file has no required mirrors in it: /var/lib/rkhunter/db/mirrors.dat
[13:44:59] Warning: Download of 'mirrors.dat' failed: Unable to determine the latest version number.
[13:44:59] Checking file mirrors.dat                         [ Update failed ]
[13:44:59] Info: The mirrors file has no required mirrors in it: /var/lib/rkhunter/db/mirrors.dat
[13:44:59] Warning: Download of 'programs_bad.dat' failed: Unable to determine the latest version number.
[13:44:59] Checking file programs_bad.dat                    [ Update failed ]
[13:44:59] Info: The mirrors file has no required mirrors in it: /var/lib/rkhunter/db/mirrors.dat
[13:44:59] Warning: Download of 'backdoorports.dat' failed: Unable to determine the latest version number.
[13:44:59] Checking file backdoorports.dat                   [ Update failed ]
[13:44:59] Info: The mirrors file has no required mirrors in it: /var/lib/rkhunter/db/mirrors.dat
[13:44:59] Warning: Download of 'suspscan.dat' failed: Unable to determine the latest version number.
[13:44:59] Checking file suspscan.dat                        [ Update failed ]
[13:45:00] Info: The mirrors file has no required mirrors in it: /var/lib/rkhunter/db/mirrors.dat
[13:45:00] Checking file i18n versions                       [ Update failed ]
[13:45:00] Warning: Download of 'i18n.ver' failed: Unable to determine the latest version number.
[13:45:00] Info: End date is Пн янв  6 13:45:00 MSK 2020

в конфиге /etc/rkhunter.conf поставил WEB_CMD=curl, UPDATE_MIRRORS=1 нет изменений. В чем может быть причина и как заставить его заработать? Система Pop_OS 19.10

Ответ на: комментарий от denko

Проверьте опцию MIRRORS_MODE. У меня с ней была проблема, было MIRRORS_MODE=1

# The MIRRORS_MODE option tells rkhunter which mirrors are to be used when

# the '--update' or '--versioncheck' command-line options are given.

# Possible values are:

# 0 - use any mirror

# 1 - only use local mirrors

# 2 - only use remote mirrors

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