Возможно ли изменить 401 ответ tomcat'a?




Нужно добавить несколько заголовков в 401 ошибку. Возможно ли это как то сделать? Пробовал через фильтр:


но к нему вообще нет обращения.

Использую BASIC аутентификацию.

By default, if the user cancels login or gives the wrong 
password 3 times, they'll see Tomcat's ugly error page. You'd
 like to use your own customized page, so you add something 


But this doesn't work. The user will see your customized 
page, but they never get asked to log in!

The problem is that 401 is both the signal that authorization
 failed, AND the signal for the browser to ask for your 
username and password. When you add your own error page for 
this, the 401 doesn't get sent back.

The solution is to add these lines near the top of your 

response.addHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "BASIC realm=\"My Web Site\"");

(For the "realm", use the value that's in your web.xml file.)

Последнее исправление: alchemist (всего исправлений: 2)

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annulen ★★★★★
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