История изменений

Исправление LamerOk, (текущая версия) :

Я просил указать, где написано, что юзерспейсный dll - часть ядра.

System kernel components

csrss.exe : manages user processes and threads
win32k.sys : user and graphics device driver (GDI)
kernel32.dll : access to resources like file system, devices, processes, threads and error handling in Windows systems
advapi32.dll : access to windows registry, shutdown/restart the system, start/stop/create services, manage user accounts
user32.dll : create and manage screen windows, buttons, scrollbars, receive mouse and keyboard input
gdi32.dll : outputs graphical content to monitors, printers and other output devices
comdlg32.dll : dialog boxes for opening and saving files, choosing color and font
comctl32.dll : access to status bars, progress bars, tools, tabs
shell32.dll : access the operating system shell
netapi32.dll : access to networking functions

Жду пассажа, что «ядро системы» != «ядро операционной системы».

Исходная версия LamerOk, :

System kernel components

csrss.exe : manages user processes and threads win32k.sys : user and graphics device driver (GDI) kernel32.dll : access to resources like file system, devices, processes, threads and error handling in Windows systems advapi32.dll : access to windows registry, shutdown/restart the system, start/stop/create services, manage user accounts user32.dll : create and manage screen windows, buttons, scrollbars, receive mouse and keyboard input gdi32.dll : outputs graphical content to monitors, printers and other output devices comdlg32.dll : dialog boxes for opening and saving files, choosing color and font comctl32.dll : access to status bars, progress bars, tools, tabs shell32.dll : access the operating system shell netapi32.dll : access to networking functions что юзерспейсный dll - часть ядра.