История изменений

Исправление JJackFLASH, (текущая версия) :

Нет. Это истормя соблазнения (18+). О том как русалка соблазнила рыбака. Прототипом русалки (один из них) послужил образ той девицы. А рыбак это я сам. Вот продолжение и окончание истории. Зачитывайтесь! )))

Dazed and confused, the fisherman was sitting in his boat pondering on his misfortune. Suddenly he felt that something hit his hindhead from the stern. That was a huge live bream! How could he possibly get into my boat? A moment later a pair of huge pikeperches slipped into the boat from the starboard. Soon after, a fat catfish made his way into the boat from the port. After a while, the boat was teeming with struggling fish of the kinds the fisherman never dreamed of! The boat was on the verge of sinking when the fisherman yelled enough!

There followed a moment of silence. Then the mermaid appeared again. She was looking right into his eyes and smiling quietly. The fisherman approached the mermaid, ran his fingers through her tangled hair, and gave her a thankful smile. He grabbed the oars and proceeded back to the shore. The mermaid was accompanying the boat by pushing it from the stern, gazing at him.

All that day the fisherman was busy selling his catch. Late at night, on full moon, he was paddling back to the middle of the river. From that night on, they started to see each other. They were spending the nights together in the boat and in the morning the fisherman was coming back to the shore with a full load of finest quality fish. 

Winter was unable to separate the odd couple. The fisherman used to go to the frozen river and cut out a hole in the ice. The mermaid was right there gazing at the fisherman with her glistening eyes.

Исходная версия JJackFLASH, :

Это сценарий для ужасов?

Нет. Это истормя соблазнения (18+). О том как русалка соблазнила рыбака. Прототипом русалки (один из них) послужил образ той девицы. А рыбак это я сам. Вот продолжение и окончание истории. Зачитывайтесь! ))) Dazed and confused, the fisherman was sitting in his boat pondering on his misfortune. Suddenly he felt that something hit his hindhead from the stern. That was a huge live bream! How could he possibly get into my boat? A moment later a pair of huge pikeperches slipped into the boat from the starboard. Soon after, a fat catfish made his way into the boat from the port. After a while, the boat was teeming with struggling fish of the kinds the fisherman never dreamed of! The boat was on the verge of sinking when the fisherman yelled enough! There followed a moment of silence. Then the mermaid appeared again. She was looking right into his eyes and smiling quietly. The fisherman approached the mermaid, ran his fingers through her tangled hair, and gave her a thankful smile. He grabbed the oars and proceeded back to the shore. The mermaid was accompanying the boat by pushing it from the stern, gazing at him. All that day the fisherman was busy selling his catch. Late at night, on full moon, he was paddling back to the middle of the river. From that night on, they started to see each other. They were spending the nights together in the boat and in the morning the fisherman was coming back to the shore with a full load of finest quality fish. Winter was unable to separate the odd couple. The fisherman used to go to the frozen river and cut out a hole in the ice. The mermaid was right there gazing at the fisherman with her glistening eyes.