История изменений

Исправление t184256, (текущая версия) :

Хрень там происходит, на белок-истеричек можно не обращать внимания.

Мой пересказ первого акта драмы на Lemmy:

NixCon Europe gets sponsor money from a military company. Taxpayers of the greatest democracy ever had a knee-jerk reaction, because not only they were having such a nice peaceful day before getting reminded that military exists, and they themselves are sponsoring it, while, clearly, in the enlightened world like ours military = bad, “every rifle made is money taken from good causes”. Also, wars are something that only happens in history books anyway, not, say, present-day Europe, amirite? Tons of internal value dissonance, fediverse buzz and free PR later, said military company gets their money back.

NixCon NA gets sponsor money from the same company, because the value proposition of the previous PR stunt was so sky-high, it’d be negligence to not repeat it. Taxpayers of the greatest democracy ever are reminded once again they don’t have a slightest say say in what they’re funding, so they try their best to not get funded back with their own money and bury their heads back in the sand again. Tons of free PR later, said military company gets their money back.

Now the foundation publishes a sponsorship policy, the community debates whether it is or is not enough to prevent said military company from diverting funds from the stuff they find so revulsing and towards the stuff they are so excited about. This round of free PR is on the house.

What’s gonna happen next, we all wonder.

Потом Eelco написал sorry, not sorry, 0.01% мэйнтейнеров хлопнули дверью и кто-то пригрозил форком непонятно чего. Кок тут вообще не повод, просто его полторы обиженки вспоминают в каждом акте не к месту.

Короче, расходимся.

Исправление t184256, :

Хрень там происходит, на белок-истеричек можно не обращать внимания.

Мой пересказ первого акта драмы на Lemmy:

NixCon Europe gets sponsor money from a military company. Taxpayers of the greatest democracy ever had a knee-jerk reaction, because not only they were having such a nice peaceful day before getting reminded that military exists, and they themselves are sponsoring it, while, clearly, in the enlightened world like ours military = bad, “every rifle made is money taken from good causes”. Also, wars are something that only happens in history books anyway, not, say, present-day Europe, amirite? Tons of internal value dissonance, fediverse buzz and free PR later, said military company gets their money back.

NixCon NA gets sponsor money from the same company, because the value proposition of the previous PR stunt was so sky-high, it’d be negligence to not repeat it. Taxpayers of the greatest democracy ever are reminded once again they don’t have a slightest say say in what they’re funding, so they try their best to not get funded back with their own money and bury their heads back in the sand again. Tons of free PR later, said military company gets their money back.

Now the foundation publishes a sponsorship policy, the community debates whether it is or is not enough to prevent said military company from diverting funds from the stuff they find so revulsing and towards the stuff they are so excited about. This round of free PR is on the house.

What’s gonna happen next, we all wonder.

Исходная версия t184256, :

Хрень там происходит, на белок-истеричек можно не обращать внимания.

Мой пересказ первого акта драмы на Lemmy:

Эпизоды 1-3

NixCon Europe gets sponsor money from a military company. Taxpayers of the greatest democracy ever had a knee-jerk reaction, because not only they were having such a nice peaceful day before getting reminded that military exists, and they themselves are sponsoring it, while, clearly, in the enlightened world like ours military = bad, “every rifle made is money taken from good causes”. Also, wars are something that only happens in history books anyway, not, say, present-day Europe, amirite? Tons of internal value dissonance, fediverse buzz and free PR later, said military company gets their money back.

NixCon NA gets sponsor money from the same company, because the value proposition of the previous PR stunt was so sky-high, it’d be negligence to not repeat it. Taxpayers of the greatest democracy ever are reminded once again they don’t have a slightest say say in what they’re funding, so they try their best to not get funded back with their own money and bury their heads back in the sand again. Tons of free PR later, said military company gets their money back.

Now the foundation publishes a sponsorship policy, the community debates whether it is or is not enough to prevent said military company from diverting funds from the stuff they find so revulsing and towards the stuff they are so excited about. This round of free PR is on the house.

What’s gonna happen next, we all wonder.