История изменений

Исправление i_gnatenko_brain, (текущая версия) :

With this tutorial you can improve your Metasploit skills and learn to put your network’s defenses to the ultimate test. The step-by-step approach teaches you the techniques and languages needed to become an expert.

  • Develops Real World Approaches to Penetration testing using Metasploit
  • Develop advanced skills to carry out effective Risk validation
  • Develop skills to fabricate any kind of function within the Framework.

Исходная версия i_gnatenko_brain, :

Mastering Metasploit

With this tutorial you can improve your Metasploit skills and learn to put your network’s defenses to the ultimate test. The step-by-step approach teaches you the techniques and languages needed to become an expert.

  • Develops Real World Approaches to Penetration testing using Metasploit
  • Develop advanced skills to carry out effective Risk validation
  • Develop skills to fabricate any kind of function within the Framework.