История изменений

Исправление uwuwuu, (текущая версия) :

IBM recommends the following:

  • Always perform regular backups and make sure you have recently backed your system up prior to extended shutdowns.
  • A system (and its enclosed drives) should be powered up at least 2 weeks after 2 months of system power off. If a drive has an error indicating it is at end of life we recommend not powering off the system for extended periods of time.
  • Proper environmental control procedures should still be in place to ensure systems are experiencing less than 40C at all times, even if the systems are powered down.
  • If a system is being retired and used for another activity in the future, the drives should be cleared with a format. This will help prevent SSD failure upon power up, even if the data is not needed. This can be performed with the command «chdrive -task format » to any drive once in a candidate state

На SSD отключенном вообще ничего нельзя хранить, если верить IBM, 2 недели - это типа срок за который гарантированно произойдет цикл записи всех ячеек. Тут какая-то скрывается тайна, о которой производители SSD молчат

А еще от температуры зависит. Нужно 25 градусов, комнатная, чтобы хранились без питания 400 недель

Исправление uwuwuu, :

IBM recommends the following:

  • Always perform regular backups and make sure you have recently backed your system up prior to extended shutdowns.
  • A system (and its enclosed drives) should be powered up at least 2 weeks after 2 months of system power off. If a drive has an error indicating it is at end of life we recommend not powering off the system for extended periods of time.
  • Proper environmental control procedures should still be in place to ensure systems are experiencing less than 40C at all times, even if the systems are powered down.
  • If a system is being retired and used for another activity in the future, the drives should be cleared with a format. This will help prevent SSD failure upon power up, even if the data is not needed. This can be performed with the command «chdrive -task format » to any drive once in a candidate state

На SSD отключенном вообще ничего нельзя хранить, если верить IBM, 2 недели - это типа срок за который гарантированно произойдет цикл записи всех ячеек. Тут какая-то скрывается тайна, о которой производители SSD молчат

А еще при 55 градусах постоянных (в печке-сушке, наверное) данные можно без питания хранить 440 недель

Исходная версия uwuwuu, :

IBM recommends the following:

  • Always perform regular backups and make sure you have recently backed your system up prior to extended shutdowns.
  • A system (and its enclosed drives) should be powered up at least 2 weeks after 2 months of system power off. If a drive has an error indicating it is at end of life we recommend not powering off the system for extended periods of time.
  • Proper environmental control procedures should still be in place to ensure systems are experiencing less than 40C at all times, even if the systems are powered down.
  • If a system is being retired and used for another activity in the future, the drives should be cleared with a format. This will help prevent SSD failure upon power up, even if the data is not needed. This can be performed with the command «chdrive -task format » to any drive once in a candidate state

На SSD отключенном вообще ничего нельзя хранить, если верить IBM, 2 недели - это типа срок за который гарантированно произойдет цикл записи всех ячеек. Тут какая-то скрывается тайна, о которой производители SSD молчат