История изменений

Исправление UVV, (текущая версия) :

~/.zshrc или /etc/zshrc:

# create a zkbd compatible hash;
# to add other keys to this hash, see: man 5 terminfo
typeset -A key

if [[ "$TERM" != emacs ]]; then
[[ -z "$terminfo[kcuu1]" ]] || bindkey -M viins "$terminfo[kcuu1]" up-line-or-search
[[ -z "$terminfo[kcud1]" ]] || bindkey -M viins "$terminfo[kcud1]" down-line-or-search

# Finally, make sure the terminal is in application mode, when zle is
# active. Only then are the values from $terminfo valid.
function zle-line-init () {
    echoti smkx
function zle-line-finish () {
    echoti rmkx
zle -N zle-line-init
zle -N zle-line-finish

Исходная версия UVV, :

~/zshrc или /etc/zshrc:

# create a zkbd compatible hash;
# to add other keys to this hash, see: man 5 terminfo
typeset -A key

if [[ "$TERM" != emacs ]]; then
[[ -z "$terminfo[kcuu1]" ]] || bindkey -M viins "$terminfo[kcuu1]" up-line-or-search
[[ -z "$terminfo[kcud1]" ]] || bindkey -M viins "$terminfo[kcud1]" down-line-or-search

# Finally, make sure the terminal is in application mode, when zle is
# active. Only then are the values from $terminfo valid.
function zle-line-init () {
    echoti smkx
function zle-line-finish () {
    echoti rmkx
zle -N zle-line-init
zle -N zle-line-finish