История изменений

Исправление bass, (текущая версия) :

По 1. Вот тут что надо и в комментариях там ниже

Исходная версия bass, :

По 1. Крути вот эти параметры

performance.write-behind-window-size – the size in bytes to use for the per file write behind buffer. Default: 1MB.

performance.cache-refresh-timeout – the time in seconds a cached data file will be kept until data revalidation occurs. Default: 1 second.

performance.cache-size – the size in bytes to use for the read cache. Default: 32MB.

cluster.stripe-block-size – the size in bytes of the unit that will be read from or written to on the GlusterFS volume. Smaller values are better for smaller files and larger sizes for larger files. Default: 128KB. – is the maximum number of threads used for IO. Higher numbers improve concurrent IO operations, providing your disks can keep up. Default: 16.