
LO_3.3.0-beta1 доступен для скачивания



About LibreOffice

LibreOffice is a productivity suite that is compatible with other major office suites, and available on a variety of platforms. It is free software and therefore free to download, use and distribute.
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The following software packages are intended to give you a first impression of what LibreOffice is. Currently we are in the process of combining the work of many contributors, and improving how to make the software available to our users. There are known issues, so please consider reading the release notes below for a list of known issues being worked on, the most obvious being the missing language packaging situation.

This beta release is not intended for production use! Be advised that the current beta might replace your installation.


вообщем только иконки поменяли. и то не все.

silw ★★★★★

Changelog то хоть есть?


LINUX.ORG.RU — Русская информация об ОС Linux. Мдя.

Ximen ★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от sniper21

Не знал. Пусть висит, может ещё слоупоки есть :)

amorpher ★★★★★
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