Ошибка при установке Gentoo




При установке genkernel ошибка че делать?

>>> Installing (2 of 2) sys-kernel/genkernel-

 * Documentation is available in the genkernel manual page
 * as well as the following URL:


 * This package is known to not work with reiser4.  If you are running
 * reiser4 and have a problem, do not file a bug.  We know it does not
 * work and we don't plan on fixing it since reiser4 is the one that is
 * broken in this regard.  Try using a sane filesystem like ext3 or
 * even reiser3.

 * The LUKS support has changed from versions prior to 3.4.4.  Now,
 * you use crypt_root=/dev/blah instead of real_root=luks:/dev/blah.

 * Local use flag 'crypt' has been renamed to 'cryptsetup' (bug #414523).
 * Please set flag 'cryptsetup' for this very package if you would like
 * to have genkernel create an initramfs with LUKS support.
 * Sorry for the inconvenience.

>>> Recording sys-kernel/genkernel in "world" favorites file...

 * Messages for package sys-kernel/genkernel-

 * Copying files to /var/cache/genkernel/src...
 * Documentation is available in the genkernel manual page
 * as well as the following URL:
 * This package is known to not work with reiser4.  If you are running
 * reiser4 and have a problem, do not file a bug.  We know it does not
 * work and we don't plan on fixing it since reiser4 is the one that is
 * broken in this regard.  Try using a sane filesystem like ext3 or
 * even reiser3.
 * The LUKS support has changed from versions prior to 3.4.4.  Now,
 * you use crypt_root=/dev/blah instead of real_root=luks:/dev/blah.
 * Local use flag 'crypt' has been renamed to 'cryptsetup' (bug #414523).
 * Please set flag 'cryptsetup' for this very package if you would like
 * to have genkernel create an initramfs with LUKS support.
 * Sorry for the inconvenience.
>>> Auto-cleaning packages...

>>> No outdated packages were found on your system.

 * Regenerating GNU info directory index...
 * Processed 65 info files.

Где ты ошибку увидел?

Или ты на столько обленился, что решил запостить на ЛОР, чтобы тебе перевели текст?

Black_Shadow ★★★★★

А теперь для особо тупых: так где здесь ты говоришь ошибка?

init_6 ★★★★★

Уйди с gentoo. Тебе тут не рады.



откуда такие уникальные экземпляры берутся?

сноси генту, и перебирайся обратно в свою уютненькую убунточку! или научись читать то, что тебе пишут, а потом научись это понимать. и читай документацию!!

funeralismatic ★★★

Антивирус обнови.


В квотезы, как эталон гентушника.

NeverLoved ★★★★★
Последнее исправление: NeverLoved (всего исправлений: 1)

Черным по белому пишут же

Please set flag 'cryptsetup' for this very package

xorik ★★★★★
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