find, xargs, iconv


создай скрипт

> echo 'cat $1 | iconv -f CP1251 -t UTF-8 >> /tmp/$$.cv && mv /tmp/$$.cv $1' > ~/

сделай его исполняемым > chmod u+x ~/

затем включай поиск по заданным параметрам и примени к результатам этот скрипт

>find /home/ -type f -iname \*.txt -exec ~/ {} \;

fMad ★★

$ apt-cache show convmv

Description: filename encoding conversion tool
 convmv can convert a single filename, a directory tree or all files
 on a filesystem to a different encoding. It only converts the
 encoding of filenames, not files contents. A special feature of
 convmv is that it also takes care of symlinks: the encoding of the
 symlink's target will be converted if the symlink itself is being
 It is also possible to convert directories to UTF-8 which are already
 partially UTF-8 encoded.


Спасибо всем =)

Ответ на: комментарий от anonymous

>It only converts the encoding of filenames, not files contents

чукча не читатель, чукча писатель?

maloi ★★★★★
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